Thursday, March 31, 2011


I don’t know about you but I can’t wait for the weekend. I just want to be able to sleep in past 7am. I was up this morning at 6am so that I could catch a train from Grand Central Station to the Stamford train station. I had a production meeting for The Big C. I thought I would be able to sleep a bit on the train but that didn’t happen. It was packed and crammed. Guess that’s what I get when I take a train at rush hour. Lesson learned.
I was so busy at work today that at one point I didn’t realize that I was staring into space at my computer. Wow, that’s when I know I need more sleep. This weekend I have no plans except for a session with Jessica and I have to exchange something at the mall. Oh, and I am having a sandwich contest with friends. We have to come up with an amazing sandwich and then they will all be judged. That is a lot of pressure. Anyone have any suggestions? I am thinking something with Turkey. Other than that, no idea what I am making. Oh lord, this is not going to end well.
Ok, well my goal this weekend is to relax and get some well-needed rest. Now time to put my call times out and then go to bed. Morning session with JC and I am sure he will not be easy on me so I need to get some rest. Till tomorrow

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I really wish that I could clone myself so that I could get everything done in the day that I need to. Did you ever have one of those days, oh hell, weeks, where you just felt like you couldn’t catch up and things just kept piling up for you to get done? Well, that is how I feel. At least I am making it a point to always make time for the gym and to continue to eat healthy. I might not have time for much these days with my hectic schedule, but I will make time for my healthy lifestyle.
This morning’s session with JC was back and legs. I did a lot of double leg hops and strength training in the legs. When they say white men can’t jump, they are not kidding. But hey, I am getting better. If you had seen me three months ago you would have laughed yourself silly. Now, I mean business. I am in it to win it. When I am out in LA for business, and to visit Diane and Marcus, I want to show off my nice stomach and possibly an ab or two. I may not have a six-pack by then, but maybe a one pack? Well, off to bed. I have to get up at 6am to catch a train up to Connecticut for a production meeting for The Big C. If you haven’t seen the first season of The Big C, I suggest checking it out, because the second season is shaping up to be incredible! Till tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


So I had planned on going to the gym this morning with my buddy Helene, but when I woke up my entire body was sore and tight. I could hardly move my arms let alone try and run on the treadmill. So instead of hitting the gym, I stood under a warm shower to loosen up my muscles and also did some stretching. Feeling better this evening, but it was rough this morning at the office, especially sitting in my chair. I found that I had to get up every couple of minutes and move around.
Since I was up early and not going to the gym, I decided to make myself a nice smoothie with some eggs for breakfast. Nothing better than starting off the day with a nice breakfast before heading into the office. After breakfast, I bundled up and walked to the PATH train. Still cold out and I keep wishing that the warm weather would come back. If I leave breadcrumbs, do you think that spring will find it’s way back to us? Once in the office, it was another hectic day of extras casting, schedules changing and pulling pictures for victims and cancer patients. Never a dull day.
Well, I am off to bed. I want to get a good night sleep so that I am rested and ready for my training with JC in the morning. Spring is around the corner and then comes summer. I need to get this stomach tight and fit; I want to be able to show off my nice fit body this summer. No fun working this hard if I can’t show it off. Till tomorrow.

Monday, March 28, 2011


Oh it was not a pleasant sight this morning when my alarm went off at 6:30am. It felt as if I had just went to bed and to make matters worse it was freezing outside. All that I wanted to do was stay curled up in my nice warm bed. I’m sorry but I thought winter was over and we were headed into spring, not the polar arctic. I’ve learned though, due to cases like this morning, that I have to set two alarms to make sure that I get out of bed and not just hit the snooze button. So I set my alarm clock next to my bed and I also set the alarm on my phone which I leave on my desk. That way I have to get out of bed to turn the alarm on my phone off. It was quite the scene as I was angrily staring at my phone hoping that if I wished it hard enough my mind would just turn the alarm off. Alas, it did not, so I kicked the blankets off, turned the alarm off and got ready for the gym.
I met my buddy Helene this morning and we both walked to the gym. So while I was working out with JC she was doing some cardio on her own. It feels great to go to the gym with a friend. It really motivates you when you go with someone. As far as my session with JC went, more upper body, focusing on my back, shoulders and arms. I’ll be dammed, but I am getting some upper body strength. On my mark test I did two chin ups without weight assistance. JC seems to think that in a month I will be able to do six chin ups, and you know what, I think he is right. It really is mind over matter when it comes to working out. Sometimes, your mind can say no when your body still has strength in it to push forward. So for me, I have learned to push through the pain and keep going until I physically can’t go anymore. After showering and changing, I headed into the office to do some extras casting. I started prep on the season finale of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. Hard to believe that there is only one episode left of season 12 before we wrap. Here is hoping that we are picked up for a season 13.
Well the night ended with a nice home cooked meal at the Taylors. We enjoyed a healthy beet salad with some roast chicken and herb roasted potatoes. We enjoyed nice conversation and some laughing at Keenan Cahill videos on YouTube. If you haven’t heard of this fifteen year old, I highly recommend checking him out on YouTube. Type in his name and you will see what I am talking about. All kidding aside, we laughed so hard, but good for Keenan! These videos have lead to a guest appearance by 50 cent, and to a commercial with Jennifer Aniston. He must be doing something right. Well, I am ready for bed. I am meeting Helene in the morning for some cardio before work and I still have to pack my lunch and snacks for work. Till tomorrow.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


I was so looking forward to a restful day at home but instead I had a busy day at the office. And here I thought Sunday was a day of rest. Law and Order: Special Victims Unit was filming on Saturday and with the pilot that I am working on and The Big C, I had so much work to get caught up on that I had to go into the office today. Only two weeks left of pilot season. I just have to make it through these next couple of weeks and after that my schedule should be back to normal.
Unfortunately, nothing exciting to tell you. It was just a normal day of casting extras at the office. But, at least I was able to go grocery shopping after work, stocking my cabinets and fridge with all kinds of good things for the week. I have decided that I enjoy shopping in person at the grocery store rather than ordering fresh direct. There is something to be said about shopping in person and picking out your own produce and groceries. It’s more personal, and I actually enjoy going up and down the isles with my shopping cart; makes me feel grown up. Well, time for me to go to bed. I have a session with JC in the morning and than another busy day at the office. Here is hoping that maybe this weekend I won’t have to work. One can dream, can’t he? Till tomorrow.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I am ashamed to say that I did nothing at all today; and I am proud of it! I did accomplish some things such as bill paying and general up keep around the house but the rest of the day was spent lounging and watching movies. After a busy and stressful week at the office, not to mention some intense workouts, I felt that I deserved this day. Especially since I will be spending Sunday at the office.
For dinner I made a quinoa stir-fry with broccoli, peppers, onions and kale. Quite tasty if I don’t say so myself and it took no time at all to make. I love quinoa because it is simple to make and it goes great with everything. You can eat it hot in a vegetable stir-fry or eat it cold with chickpeas and almonds. If you haven’t tried quinoa, I suggest going out and getting some. Give it a try. You will not be disappointed! After dinner, I retired to the couch for some movie watching which included, You Again and Morning Glory. Two good films that I recommend seeing. I have to say that Betty White is amazing. If I ever had the opportunity to meet any actor, it would be her. She seems like one cool lady that would have some amazing stories to tell.
Before signing off I am going to leave you with this. Do not take for granted moisturizing. Dry skin is no joke, especially when working out. So make it a habit to moisturize whether you work out or not. It takes five minutes, and you will be happy you did. I have recently notices that my hands and fingers were peeling due to dry skin. Not pretty people, not pretty at all.
Well, time for me to go to bed. I am planning on getting up early and hitting the gym before going into the office. I also need to go grocery shopping since my cabinets and fridge are empty. It seems like tomorrow is shaping up to be a busy day. So much for a restful Sunday. Till tomorrow.

Friday, March 25, 2011


TGIF is all I have to say. I can't wait to crawl into bed and just fall asleep. No alarm will be waking me up at 6:30am. I am going to treat myself and sleep in. I will hit the gym and go grocery shopping tomorrow but there will also be some lounging on the couch and some movie watching. I think I earned it. Especially after the workout I had this morning with JC. It was all upper body, concentrating on arms and biceps. By the end of the workout I think even my arms were crying. But, I pushed through the pain and made it through the workout. I think tomorrow I might try and take a spin class, but we shall see. Well, time for bed. Till tomorrow.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


So today was a normal day at the office. The day started off with an early morning production meeting and then I headed back to the office for some extras casting. I got home at a relatively normal hour and used that time wisely. I lounged on the couch and waited for my shows to wrap so that I could put my call times out and then head to bed. I want to be well rested when I have my session with JC in the morning. So tonight’s blog is short and sweet. I don't know about you but I am looking forward to a restful weekend. Till tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


So today JC had me do a mark test to see how I have progressed the last 3 months since I started this challenge. He had me do a series of exercises and marked down the results while timing me. But first I had the weigh in. Now when I began this challenge I weighed approximately 180lbs. This morning, I weighed 161lbs. That’s right; I lost 19lbs. That’s not accounting for all the muscle that I have built. The mark test included doing as many crunches as I could in 2 minutes, doing chin ups with no weight assistance. I did two! Now for me two chin ups with no weight assistance is a huge accomplishment. Remember, I had no upper body strength when we started. I also had to run a mile and a half and had to bench press 90lbs. I also had to double hop in a certain distance with only 5 hops. Well, JC was very impressed and by the end of the hour I was ready to pass out on the floor. It was the best feeling to know that I have lost 19lbs in three months. JC was also impressed and says that now we need to start toning the body up. Well the rest of the day was spent at work casting extras for Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, The Big C and The CBS pilot that I am working on called The Rememberer. Before I knew it, it was 10:30pm and time to head home. So here I am typing away and preparing to go to bed. Tomorrow I have a morning production meeting and another busy day. Thank god the weekend is almost here. Till tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Now I don’t know about you but growing up I had acne. Not extreme acne, but the normal breakouts and pimples. Even into my college and adult years, I still had the occasional breakouts and blemishes. Since I started this challenge, I have seen a huge transformation in my skin. As my friend Helene said, it’s almost like I am getting years back. My skin now has this natural glow to it and blemishes are little if any. I am sure it helps that I have increased my water consumption and have eliminated soda from my diet. But, whatever the reason, I am enjoying the new glow that my skin has. Not to mention I am starting to look my age and not older.
Speaking of water intake, I have found that in cases when I fell hungry, if I have myself a glass of water, that urge to eat disappears. Sometimes it is our body telling us that it is dehydrated and we interpret it as hunger. So next time it is late and you have an urge for something to eat, pour yourself a nice cold glass of water and see if that urge goes away. Well, time for me to head to bed. I am meeting my friends Diane and Helene at the gym in the morning. They are going to do some cardio while I train with JC. Till tomorrow.

Monday, March 21, 2011


So it is midnight and I just got home. I had an intense workout with JC this morning that had my entire upper body feeling like jello. By the end of the workout I could hardly move my arms. So I crawled back to the locker room, showered, dressed and headed into the office. Little did I know that I wouldn't be leaving the office till 11pm. Well, I need to go to bed. I can barely keep my eyes open. I was going to hit the gym in the morning but I think I need to get some rest. Till tomorrow.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


So as much as it sucked, I dragged my tired little butt out of bed this morning and went to work. I was lucky that my buddy Diane drove me into the city so that I didn’t have to take the PATH train in. I don’t know about you guys, but for me, Saturday is the day that eases me into the weekend. It’s the day that I run my errands, get things done around the house and well, just do busy work that needs to get done. Sunday is the day I like to sleep in a bit, have a nice cup of coffee and just enjoy the day. So, as you might expect, my entire weekend was thrown by having to work. But that’s ok. I had an amazing Saturday with friends and caught up like no time had passed. We laughed and chatted as if we hadn’t been apart for months. Those are the truest of friends. The ones that stick by you no matter what and eventually you stop looking at them as friends but rather family. Its funny how we just fell back into our normal routine and the jokes and zingers just kept coming.
We had an amazing dinner last night so I packed a lunch of left over kale salad and added some grilled chicken, some fruit for a snack and into the office I went.
After a full day of casting extras for my three shows, I packed up and headed home. I made it a point to cook myself a nice dinner that included pork chops, sautéed broccoli with garlic and sprouted almonds and a spinach salad. Nothing feels more grown up than sitting at the dinner table with a home cooked meal as you watch the news. Oh how proud my parents would be. I made sure to make enough so that there would be leftovers for lunches and dinners for the week. I also have some fresh fruit and salads for the week, not to mention some healthy snacks. I have made it a point, that even at my busiest, that I continue to eat healthy and workout. I want this to not just be a challenge, but a lifestyle. Its funny how it was the industry that I work in that made me want to get into shape. For years, I knew that I needed to get healthy. I ate crap and didn’t work out. I watched my father deal with health issues and I lost my uncle at the age of forty. Only ten years older than I am right now. But it was a television show that prides itself in its hot young talent that opened my eyes. Now, don’t get me wrong. I am enjoying the updated 90210 and the messages that they are telling our young generation are messages that need to be told. But how is it that my industry is what made me wake up and realize that I needed to get healthy and fit and not my genetics?
Well, I need to call it a night. Early morning tomorrow with JC at the gym and I am sure he will be kicking my ass as usual. Till tomorrow.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


So today's blog will be a brief one. I am exhausted from a long and fun day and I have to get up early to work tomorrow. I know, working on a Sunday. No fun! But today I did some cardio and core workout with Helene and Diane. We hit the treadmil for a bit and then headed over to the bikes where we also did some hand weights while peddling away. Nothing like working the lower body while also getting some arms and biceps worked out. We ended the night with an amazing home cooked meal that included a lemon rotisserie chicken, some roasted herb potatoes and a kale salad. Well, I am headed for bed. Getting up early to bead I to the office. Till tomorrow.

Friday, March 18, 2011


Good evening my loyal 20 followers. TGIF! Another long day at the office that started off with an intense workout with JC. More upper body training and also some free weights working on the arms and shoulders. I am pretty sure there was a point while I was bench-pressing that I almost dropped the weights and potentially decapitated myself. Wow, who would have thought the day would come when I would be bench pressing. But I was. However, the last set of 10 became harder than expected and if it weren’t for JC spotting me I would have been the headless casting director. Hmm, I smell lifetime movie of the week! Wonder who would play me?
Anyway, I have noticed that I keep saying that I am getting fitter and that I will be getting my 90210 body and will end up on 90210 as a TA when the West Bev Students head off to college. So is it like the “Secret” where if I keep saying it, it will come true? I mean, if I really wanted it, I guess I could actually make it happen. Ironically the LA office casts the extras for 90210. So I guess if I asked they could cast me as an extra. But that would be no fun! But getting back to the positive reinforcement, I think it actually works. If you say something long enough, you start to believe it. Now in my case, I need to realize that I won’t be cast in 90210 next season, but I probably will complete this challenge and end up with a fit body and a healthier life style.
On another note, my buddies Helene and Diane will be joining me in the morning for some cardio and workout fun. It is the first time in a long time that the three of use will be together in the same room. Weird, right? So I am looking forward to that. I am also looking forward to making the Chocolate chip rolled oat cookies with bananas. Well, time for bed. I am exhausted after a busy workweek and some invigorating workouts. Get out and enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend. Spring is literally 3 days away! Winter is gone! Till tomorrow.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


So the next two weeks are going to be crazy for me at the office. With pilot season and my normal workload, I will be lucky if I get 5 hours of sleep a night and a day off here and there. I will still be working out and eating healthy, however, my blogging might become a little brief and to the point. I still want to check in and let everyone know how I am doing, but at the same time I want to be able to get some sleep when I can. So don’t think that I am ignoring you guys. I have a training session with JC in the morning and then off to the office for another long day and night. You will be happy to know that I stocked the fridge at my office with all things fresh and healthy so that even if I am stuck at the office, I will at least be eating healthy. Well it is late, and I have to get up at 6am. Time to call it a night. Till tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


So I think I am going to start giving shout outs to some of different meals or health products that I try out that I think you might enjoy. Today’s shout out goes out to my pal Oatmeal; and not the instant type. I think people forget how amazing oatmeal can be. Add some fresh fruit and it is pure bliss. I added fresh blueberries and bananas. If you want to really enjoy oatmeal, pass on the instant and try the rolled oats. It takes a little longer to prepare, but in the end it is much healthier and in it’s purest form. And like I said, add some fresh fruits or even chopped walnuts or almonds and maybe get a little daring and drizzle some organic maple syrup over it.
As far as my day went, another hectic day at the office. Well actually I spent most of the day in meetings up in Connecticut for The Big C, which is back filming for season 2. I have to remember that even at my busiest I still need to take time to eat and stay healthy. I found today that I was so busy that I almost forgot to stop and grab a bite to eat. Thank god my stomach growled and reminded me.
Well, I need to get some sleep. I have a production meeting in the city tomorrow morning for the CBS pilot that I am also working on it. So, go out and try some rolled oats for breakfast and let me know what you think. Till tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Before I started this challenge my favorite excuse for not working out and eating healthy was that I didn’t have enough time. Well, that’s a lie. I could have made time to workout; even if it was in my own house. But instead I used that extra time to sleep or watch TV. Well, not anymore. Now, instead of sleeping in I get up 2 hours earlier and head to the gym. I pack my lunch instead of spending $12 on something not as healthy. I make sure to shop for healthy fruits and vegetable to snack on instead of candy and sweets. I know this sounds like I am preaching and, well I am. The thing about it is, we all have to do it at our own pace and we have to want it. Like Jessica told me last week, so many people spend the money and say they want to eat right and get into shape, and only give 10 percent. Well, not me. Get ready because here I come. I have a new motivation and a commitment to me. That may sound self-centered, but it’s the truth. We can only change ourselves. No one else can do that. I love that saying that there is such a thing as destiny, but it only takes you so far. It’s up to you to take it to the finish line. If you want it, stop thinking about it and just do it. I think that with this new determination I can achieve what ever I set out to do. Whether it is to get a 90210 body and recreate a photo that Trevor Donovan posed for, or just to set out on a new path and journey in life, I can do it. So join me on this quest and lets get this party started. I think I am finally starting to feel the energy from this healthy life style. This morning was the first time that I really felt invigorated at work after working out. Now, I am stressed out and spread thin at the office, but just starting off the day with a great workout set the pace for the rest of my day. Well, tomorrow is another busy day at the office and I am doing cardio tomorrow morning with my buddy Diane. Till tomorrow.

Monday, March 14, 2011


So today was one of those days that no matter what I did, I just couldn’t catch up. From the moment my alarm went off this morning to the second I walked in the door tonight, I never stopped moving. My workout this morning was great. I am starting to get used to waking up early and hitting the gym before work. Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t pop out of bed like a jack in the box when my alarm goes off. No sir, it is a fight to get myself out of my warm comfortable bed. But little by little, I am starting to get better at those early morning rises. The workout this morning was upper body concentrating on biceps, triceps and shoulders. A lot of free weights and strength training. We also did some work on the core and abs before calling it a session and heading into the office.
I had to hurry back to the office to prepare for the Law and Order: Special Victims Unit production meeting that I had for Episode 22. Hard to believe that there are only 2 episodes left before we wrap season 12. But time flies. From that meeting I ran back to the office to work on The Big C and The Rememberer. I am pretty sure that there was a moment that I fell asleep sitting upward staring at my computer. I bet that if you tapped me I would have fallen over. But, my phone rang and I snapped out of it.
The best part of the day is when I was finally able to sit down and enjoy my leftover healthy Sloppy Joes that I made last night. I took organic ground turkey, and browned it. I sautéed some fresh tomatoes down to a nice paste and added that to the browned ground turkey along with diced green peppers, onions and celery. Added some water and let it simmer for 20 minutes. Brought back memories of having Sloppy Joes as a kid. Comfort food at it’s best. I was hoping to try some other recipes this past weekend, but time got away from me. So hopefully this weekend I will have a chance to try them out.
I will leave you with this funny story. So as you know I had my new alarm system installed in my condo. I set it last night when I got home from my friends Bill and Ruxy’s house and I must have passed out on the couch. I was exhausted from a long day and after a couple of hours my cell phone ringing startled me. So I groggily woke up and answered the phone. Then I decided to take out the trash before heading to bed. Forgetting that I had set the alarm, I opened the door and BAM, the alarm goes off. I was out of it and started to freak out. This alarm is loud and I was tired and it was late and I was holding a bag of trash in a t-shirt and shorts. Quite the site. God help my neighbors if they witnessed this. But good to know the alarm works.  Well off to bed. Another busy day tomorrow.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


So today I had a list of things to do. I had to balance my check book, hit the gym, do some cooking and baking and then meet my friends for brunch. Only one thing off that list got done. I met my friends for brunch. That's it! Nothing more nothing less. Sometimes you can make a list of things to do and plan out your day. But in the end, we live by destiny and sometimes you just have to throw that list out the window. I met my friends for brunch at noon and got home at 8pm. Time flew by and because I was having such a great time I had no idea. I didn't hit the gym. I didn't do any healthy cooking of meals for the week. Instead I spent the day with friends I hadn't seen in a while. Sometimes that's just what the doctor ordered. Sometimes the best medication is friends. So now I am curling up in bed preparing for a busy and hectic week but because of my friends I am ready for the what the week has in store for me. Well, till tomorrow.
P.S. I have been blogging off my iPhone so I am sorry for any weird spell changes. For anyone with an iPhone, you know how they like to change things up on you and not for the better.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


After a busy workweek I was really looking forward to a restful weekend. However, that was not the case today. I was up by 7am since ADT was coming to install my alarm. You should know that I have been trying to get a hold of MS Audio who is the alarm company that was provided by the building. I had been trying to get them to come out since November and had no luck. I finally had scheduled an appointment with them until they called to cancel the day before. Nice to know my security and a paying customer were on the top of their list. ADT however came out the next day after contacting them. And in two weeks time they were even here installing my system. Hell, they were even 30 minutes early. So after the alarm installation I did some laundry and bill paying and then headed to meet with Jessica for our nutritional session. The best part of the session was having Jessica tell me she sees a huge difference since we started 69 days ago. She told me that I deserved to pat myself on the back for continuing to strive for a better lifestyle, but also committing to this change. Allot of times, people say they are willing to try this lifestyle change and maybe only give 10%. However, Jessica was impressed with my motivation, drive and commitment. We even talked about these amazing pads that could help clear up my body breakout. They are called Dessert Essence tea tree pads and though they may sting, they are amazing with bringing down the redness and clearing up body breakouts. Even better, they are all natural and don’t contain any chemicals.
Next I fit in an hour of cardio at the gym. Nothing too crazy since I am still sore from Friday’s session with JC. After the gym I stopped by a buddies to pick up a disk that he had burned for me. It was a YouTube clip from my 80s party that I threw last year for my 30th. It was actually a video of the cast of Love, Loss and what I wore getting dressed to head over to the party. I had twittered the video and Sherri Shepherd had seen it and asked if I would make her a disk.
Below is the video if you feel like checking it out. What a great night that was.

Well, the rest of the night was spent cooking dinner and then watching some movies as I relaxed on the couch. I think I had earned it. Tomorrow is supposed to be a beautiful day so I am looking forward to getting out and enjoying the fresh air. Well I hope that all of you were able to enjoy your Saturday. Till tomorrow. 

Friday, March 11, 2011


So today JC handed me my ass on a silver platter. Today’s workout was designed to increase my metabolism and burn fat for 36 hours. We started the session off with our normal warm up.  What followed next had me almost in tears. JC had me do 8 sets each of squats, push-ups, crunches and then pull-ups. I did 8 sets for thirty seconds with a ten-minute rest in between each session. Half way through I wanted to quit, but JC kept hounding at me and the competitive Dave came through and made me want to push through the pain and complete this. Afterward I collapsed on the mat only to hear JC tell me that it was time to work on the core and do some planks. Needless to say I was exhausted all day due to this extensive workout.  Well I showered and limped to the PATH train and headed to the office.
I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend. Besides a busy Saturday morning I have no plans and I am looking forward to that. Well, I am exhauseted and I have to get up early tomorrow since ADT is installing my new alarm system. Well till tomorrow. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011


So I was informed this morning that my blog is starting to get stale. I won’t argue with that. With my schedule these days and seeing how exhausted I am, the last thing on my mind is blogging. However, when I started this challenge, I agreed to blog about my adventures and misadventures. So that means, no taking the easy route. I have to commit to blogging, but I also have to keep it fun.
The one thing I want to talk about today is locker room etiquette. Is there such a thing? The reason I ask is that I have a couple of pet peeves when it comes to the locker room. In the early morning when I am working out there is hardly anyone there, which means there are plenty of lockers. So why would someone feel the need to use the locker right next to me? Out of an entire locker room you feel the need to plop yourself right next to my locker. Also, don’t try and have a conversation with me while I am undressing and trying to make my way to the shower. All I want to do is shower, dress and then get on my way to the office. I don’t want to chat about my workout. Let alone chat with a complete stranger. Also, I find it annoying when guys are chatting in the showers. This is not your house and therefore I don’t want to hear about what your kids are doing in school or all the cool furniture that you found over the weekend at an amazing yard sale. All I want to hear is the music that the gym is playing. So I ask, is there such a thing as locker room etiquette?
One last thing before heading to bed. I’m finding that the more I workout and increase my energy the more I start to get agitated with my life. I know that that might sound odd to you, but I feel as if I need to do more in life. I feel like there is this huge world out there that I have yet to explore. I think it also stems from the fact that I am starting to see friends and loved ones get married and have kids and start their own families and here I am still searching for what I want out of life. We all choose our paths in life and I have always wanted the career. I never wanted the family or marriage or kids. That was just never part of my plan. But when I see my friends and it seems as f they have it all figured out, it just makes me realize that I don’t. Well, enough spewing. I have to remember that this is a blog and not my personal therapist.  I am going to rest my pretty little head on my pillow and call it a night. I am getting up at 6am to hit the gym with JC then off to the office for what will surely be a long day of extras casting. Well, till tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


So with Pilot season my hours at the office have almost doubled. Early mornings and late nights make it difficult to find the time to not only sit down and eat, but sometimes I am so busy that I forget that I need to sit down and eat. I have made it a point to pack lunches and snacks, so that even with my busy schedule, I can stick with my healthier eating instead of falling off the wagon and eating crap food. It can sometimes be hard eating healthier because it is more expensive. Buying organic and fresh is a lot more expensive than purchasing fast food and processed food. The sad thing is, that families sometimes eat at fast food restaurants not only because it is fast and simple, but also because it is all they can afford.
I am starting to think that the breakout on my body is some sort of rash. I checked it out this evening when I got home and the redness and itchiness has gone down. I am thinking it might have something to do with the bacteria in the showers at the gym or it also could be the fact that I am sweating more than usual. Either way, I will keep checking on it to make sure that it continues to go down and not get worse. I got this new bath scrub that is supposed to help exfoliate the skin and get rid of the dry dead skins. So I am hoping that will help not only with the rash, but also in preventing it from happening again. Well, here’s hoping at least. Time for me to put in my fresh direct order so that it can be delivered by Saturday morning. Till tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


So I have noticed that I am starting to break out all over my body. I am not sure if it is an allergic reaction to something that I have eaten or used on my body, or it is just due to the fact that I have been sweating so much due to working out. Whatever the case, it is annoying and I do not like it. I hated having acne when I was in high school and now that I am an adult, I don’t want to have to deal with it on my body. I am going to talk to JC tomorrow at my training session and see if he has any advice. Now it is not a huge breakout. It looks more like a small rash to me under my left arm and on my side. But whatever it is, I need it to clear up and go away.
So for lunch today I steamed some broccoli and peas and mixed it in with my quinoa. Seasoned with some mint and pepper, and yummy in my tummy. With all the crazy hours I have been working lately I am surprised that I am able to make it through the day without passing out on my desk. I am already counting down to the weekend just so that I can sleep in past 6am and get to sleep before midnight. I love my job and all, but juggling three television series is not the easiest thing. If I can make it to April 21st I will a happy man.
I am going to go shopping this weekend and try out this new healthy recipe for chocolate chip cookies using bananas and rolled oats and also a raspberry sorbet recipe that I found. I also want to pick up some leafy greens and try out some more recipes from Greens, Glorious Greens. Maybe test out a new stir-fry recipe. Well, it is almost midnight and I have to get up at 6am to head off to a training session. Then off to work for another long day at the office. Till tomorrow.


Sorry this entry is late. I got home from work last night and passed out on the couch. Between the early morning workout session with JC and a hectic day at the office I was exhausted. I sat down on the couch and the next thing I knew it was 2am. Didn't help that I had to get up at 5am Tuesday morning to be on set for Law and Order:SVU. I can tell you that JC increased the weights Monday morning. He says I am getting more upper body strength. He now wants to focus on defining my upper body more, increasing muscle and working on my core. I am ready for that challenge. Well, it is 5am and I need to head off to set. I promise I will not pass out tonight and forget to blog. Till tonight.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


So I may have been lazy this weekend, hardly ever moving from the couch, but this cold seems to have needed that. Sometimes we all just need a lazy weekend. After a week of feeling sick, I am hoping that I will wake up tomorrow morning feeling great and refreshed. I am ready to get back to my healthier fitter me challenge. I was hoping to hit the gym this weekend, but a sore throat and a burning itchy cough kept me on the couch. I could sit here and bore you with how lazy my day was today, but I like you all too much for that. Instead, I am going to call it an early night and enjoy a peaceful evening in my bed. In a couple of hours that alarm is going to go off and the start of another hectic workweek will be upon me. Till tomorrow.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


I was hoping that when I woke up this morning that this horrible cold would have been just a bad dream. Alas, I was not that lucky. Although I did sleep in this morning, I awoke to the lovely hacking sound that I was making as I was trying to cough up a fur ball. So I made some tea and tried t make the best of it. I brought some work home, which I quickly finished so that the rest of the day could be spent resting and combating this virus. I thought since it was such a nice day that I would get out and enjoy the fresh air and hopefully air out this cold/flu. Though I enjoyed getting out for a bit it did nothing to help the coughing. So I decided to just be lazy and curl up on the couch and watch movies hoping that if I kept myself hydrated and rested that just maybe, tomorrow I would feel slightly better. So in between my naps I made sure to update the blog. Now time to call it a night. I hope that all of you are having a more restful and enjoyable weekend that I am. Here is too kicking this cold to the curb! Till tomorrow.

Friday, March 4, 2011


TGIF everyone! I could not be more thrilled that the workweek has come to an end. I started today off with an early morning workout with JC where we worked on arms and abs. The best part was that while we were doing the normal warm up routine I realized that my legs were still sore. Thank god that we were working upper body, because I felt as if my legs were on fire. I noticed however, that I had calf muscles now! I know, you are probably thinking, big deal Dave. But for me, that is a big deal! I am actually starting to have a defined body. Now don’t get me wrong, I still have a long way to go before I have my nice defined six pack, but I will take for now, nice defined calf muscles.
I am still not feeling 100%. I still have that annoying cough and my throat is still dry and scratchy. Oh, and if you were wondering, yes, every once in awhile, I still make a nasty hacking sound like I am coughing up a hair ball. How attractive you say. But I am confident that with some much needed rest I can beat this virus and regain normal life, just in time to have no life once I start filming my numerous projects. For those of you that are keeping a tally: I am currently the extras casting director on Law and Order: SVU, prepping season 2 of the Showtime series The Big C and prepping the CBS pilot, The Rememberer. So, add that together and subtract a social life and you get my life for the next 4 weeks. It’s a good thing I like my job. Well, it is 11:45pm and I am exhausted. Long week at the office and I just want to curl up in my bed and dream of myself lying on a sunny beach. Till tomorrow.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


So I have been fighting this cold for the past couple of days now, and after a long hard battle, my body has finally succumbed to the cold. My head feels like a balloon that is ready to burst, while my throat feels like it is on fire. It doesn’t help that I can’t sleep at night due to the constant hacking and coughing. I know, just what you wanted to hear about. It could have been worse though. I could have told you about all the gross mucus that I am coughing up, or the burning sensation in my chest that I get eveytime I cough. Fun, right? But, I have not let it derail my challenge. I am just hoping that tomorrow morning I am feeling slightly better since I will be working out with JC.
This week has been a busy one at work with pilot season descending upon us. Not to mention the other projects that I am currently casting. Needless to say, I am working earlier and longer. But I have made sure to not only pack healthy lunches, but also some good healthy snacks and dinners for those late nights at the office. There are some nights when I don’t get home till midnight. Thank god this should only last until the middle of April. For me, this is where I used to go wrong with eating. I would get so busy at the office that I would just order crappy food or hit the craft service table on set and eat junk like candy and fruit snacks. So, the fact that I am packing healthy lunches and snacks is a big change from last year.
This weekend my new chair is being delivered. I can’t wait for it to arrive. It is one of those oversized lounge chairs that you can just curl up in and fall asleep. Oh how I can’t wait to type my blog in that chair. I am sure there will be a few nights that I find myself passed out in that chair. We are going to be great friends that chair and me. Well, time for me to get some sleep. Another long day at the office for me and I am starting the day off early with a workout session with JC. Tomorrow morning will be arms and abs. I am still sore from Monday and Wednesday’s workouts. Oh, push through the pain Dave. It will all be worth it in the end. Well, till tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


So pilot season is upon us and it could not be busier at my office. For the month of March and the first couple of weeks in April, it will be like a bomb went off at my office with the amount of projects that we are casting. For me I am wrapping up the 12th season of Law and Order: SVU while prepping and starting the second season of the Showtime series, The Big C, while also working on the CBS pilot, The Rememberer. So basically, I will have no life for the next couple of weeks. I will eat, sleep, drink and dream about extras. Well, lets not dwell on that for now, I will have about 4 weeks to enjoy the craziness that is pilot season.
This morning I started off my day with a banana avocado shake before my session with JC where we concentrated on abs and back. Now for those of you that would like to try the shake, it is real simple:

1 Banana
1 Avocado
1 teaspoon of organic maple syrup
1-½ handfuls of Sprouted Almonds
Almond milk to liking (depends on how thick you like your shake)
Blend together and in seconds you have a protein shake that starts your morning or workout right!

Try it out and let me know what you think. 

The one thing that I have learned is that I feel so much better now that I am getting up earlier and starting my morning off with a workout. Now, lets just hope I still have that same feeling when I am getting home every night at around midnight due to my hectic schedule. But I am sure with the right motivation, positive attitude and support that I will push through and survive pilot season.
Well, it is late and I am exhausted. Like with the film, Groundhog’s day, I will be repeating this tomorrow. Till tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Hard to believe that February is gone and it is already March. Now, I am all for getting to the warmer weather, but my god the months are just flying by. Remember when you were a kid and all you could think about was being older? First it was being in High school. Then it was I can’t wait to get my license. Then it was I can’t wait to turn 21 so that I can order a drink. But now I find that all I want to do is hit the “Slow the hell down” button. Well, this 30 year old wants to finish enjoying 30 before he is forced to turn 31 in a little over 3 months. It feels just like yesterday I was planning my 30th Birthday “80s Style”.
This morning started off with some rye toast with a little almond butter and 2 eggs scrambled. I have tons of sprouted almonds now so I have decided besides using them in my avocado banana shake I am going to add them to my salad for some extra protein. I think I went a little over board with them because I am stocked up on sprouted almonds for a while. I might as well start adding them to everything I make. They are great so I am not going to complain about having too many. I am excited because Jessica has given me a couple of new recipes to try out including some healthier desserts! So it looks like I will have some fun new recipes to try out this weekend.
Well, after a long day at the office I am looking forward to just crawling into bed and getting a good nights sleep. Besides, I have to get up at 6:30am to meet JC at the gym tomorrow morning. As hard as it is to get out of bed that early in the morning, I feel so much better after an extensive workout in the am. Something about starting off the day with a workout really gets me ready to conquer the day and any challenges that come my way. Well, off to bed. Till tomorrow.