Saturday, April 30, 2011


I woke up this morning to a nice cool breeze coming in through the windows. Nothing better than sleeping with the windows open, especially when there is a cool breeze. I started off the day with a nice workout at the gym. I mainly did cardio and some abs before heading home. When I am not working out with JC I try and not do anything intense. I use my days off, as a chance to just stretch out my body and keep it is motion. Then it was back home for a nice breakfast and some freshly brewed coffee. The best part of the day had to be the BBQ at the Taylor’s. Scott, Helene, Natasha and myself enjoyed some bocce ball, cool drinks and some amazing grilled corn, rotisserie chicken and Helene’s special salad. We ended the meal with a fresh strawberry blueberry crisp. Don’t take for granted a nice sunny day. Get out and enjoy the vitamin D. Your body really needs it and so do you. Well I am off to bed. Tomorrow I am going to get some stuff done around the house before heading into the city for an Open Casting call I am having for The Big C. Should be a fun evening. Till tomorrow.

Friday, April 29, 2011


Without realizing it, we become monotonous in our everyday lives. We create schedules and routines that after awhile become law. We lose the spontaneity that helps keep us vibrant and well lets face it, not boring. I think one of the things that kept me from being the better version of myself was just that. I did the same thing, ate the same things and went to the same places. In a nutshell; I was boring! Not to say that I did boring things, I just didn’t try new things. I stayed in my comfort zone and became comfortable with where I was. I became lazy, not willing to shake things up and see what else life had to offer. If you asked me now, at the age of 30, where I have traveled to, you know what I would tell you? I would say I have been to Mexico, Aruba, Los Angeles, oh and when I was little I spent some time in West Virginia. Hmm, not so exciting. My sister on the other hand traveled to Amsterdam. I have friends that have been around the world and back and have incredible stories about what they did and saw. Me, well I can tell you about how burnt I got in Mexico and how in Aruba we got lost on a Jeep tour. The point is, shake things up and live a little. If I have learned anything about this new me, it’s that life is short and I want to live it. The healthier and fitter that I get, the more energy I get and the more creative I feel. I don’t feel like sitting around watching TV, because I am too concerned about enjoying the day and the beautiful weather. The past couple of days it as been about 70 degrees and sunny and all that I wanted to do was be out there enjoying it. I want to go camping and go on weekend hikes and go jet skiing. Oh, I can already tell this is going to be a fun filled summer!
This morning I kicked ass with JC in my session. I have to say that being as busy at the office as I have been has really come in handy at the gym. It is the perfect place to workout all that pent up stress. By the end of the session my legs were wobbling, my arms felt like they had been put in a blender and I am pretty sure that I was drenched in a bucket worth of sweat. Oh it felt great! Everyone asks why I don’t put weight loss or a fat percentage loss on the blog and my reasoning is that it was never about a weight goal, but rather a lifestyle goal. I wanted to get fit and tone up my body and shed the fat, but I also wanted to get healthy. So the numbers mean nothing to me. I will however be posting a before and after photo at my halfway point which will be on June 1st. I can tell you that I have lost a total of 25lbs so far. My clothes are not fitting well and my jeans are baggy. So I am seeing results. I think you have to want more then just a weight goal. You have to want a total lifestyle change. You can lose the weight but if you are not focused on changing the habits, that weight is just going to come back. I should know. I have been down that road before. Well, I am off to bed. It is supposed to be a gorgeous weekend and I want to enjoy every second of it. Till tomorrow.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


So the title pretty much says it all. It has been a long and busy week at the office and between meetings, early mornings on set and my sessions with JC this week, I am exhausted. I am pretty much just running on fumes. I am really looking forward to a lazy Saturday morning, in which I can sleep in till 9am, enjoy a nice cup of coffee and just relax. Well, I am off to bed. I am working out with JC in the morning and then off to the office. I am hoping that tomorrow will not be a long day, but you can never tell. Here’s hoping. Till tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


So today was my first day back to the gym since Saturday and it felt great. JC kicked my ass the moment we started and by the end of the session I had sweat dripping all over. It was a total body workout designed to burn fat and calories, while building up muscle. I even ran up and down the stairs like Rocky! Needless to say, after a stressful and busy couple of days, it felt great to workout my aggression at the gym. It was the driving force behind my energy and determination to push through the pain and complete every set. I have noticed that I am starting to building up muscle and strength in my upper body. I actually bench pressed 115lbs this morning. It might not seem like much to you, but that is a huge difference from the weak boy that began this challenge back in January. I am still waiting for my mid section to tighten up. The fat is coming off but I still have a lot to go. They do say though that that is the last place that you lose the weight. At least I am really losing weight in my face. That is the area that I really showed my weight, so I am happy with that. Well I am off to bed. Another early morning on the set of “The Untitled 20th Century Fox Drama”. Sounds so weird calling it that since I know what the show really is. But hey, I do what the producers tell me. Then after set I am off to Stamford Connecticut for a production meeting for The Big C. So I need my beauty sleep. Till tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


So I am pretty sure that my body is on autopilot right now. With the amount of sleep I am getting I am surprised that my fingers are even typing this. But I need to be grateful that I am working in the industry that I love and able to be a part of some creative projects. Currently my time is split between season 2 of The Big C and The Untitled 20th Century Fox program. So it is times like these when I am sleep deprived that I need to remind myself to take a step back, breathe and be thankful I am here. I have a session with JC tomorrow morning that I am dreading. I am exhausted and I haven’t been to the gym since Saturday. Now believe me, I wish I could have gone to the gym but I have been so swamped at the office, that when I am not on set, I am either at the office or asleep. Most of the time is spent at the office though. So lets hope that I don’t embarrass myself tomorrow morning. Things should actually be calming down for me starting next week and hopefully then I will be able to get myself back into a normal routine. I want to be able to start taking advantage of this beautiful weather that we have been having and go for a run or even a nice hike. Well, it is time for me to hit the sack. I want to be at my best tomorrow morning. Till tomorrow.

Monday, April 25, 2011


I woke up this morning at 4:30am because I needed to be on set for “The Untitled 20th Century Fox Program” so that I could check in the extras and make sure that production was happy. Getting up that early was not a pretty site. I am pretty sure that I only got about 4 hours of sleep last night. So I rolled out of bed, showered and got dressed and headed into the city. The rest of the day was spent at the office trying to get all the work and prep done that I needed to so that I could go to the wrap party for Season 12 of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. Unfortunately, work won over and I missed the party. A total bummer since it is a great time to catch up with the cast and crew in a more relaxed environment. Well, I guess there is always next season. Now time for me to head home and get some sleep since I will be repeating this day just like in the film Groundhog Day. Unfortunately, Bill Murray will not be in my version. Have I said how much I am looking forward to my retreat at Rancho La Puerta lately? Well, at least I had a nice lunch of leftover turkey quinoa chili with a nice fruit salad and for dinner a healthy spinach salad with grilled chicken. Here is hoping that tomorrow goes better than today. Till tomorrow.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Happy Easter everyone. I hope you had a more relaxing day than I did. I spent most of the day doing work that I brought home with me, though I did enjoy a nice Easter Dinner with good friends. I just keep telling myself to remember that amazing retreat in June that I will be taking and that all this crazy hectic work will all be worth it. If you are interested in taking a look at the spa I am going to, look up Rancho La Puerta and let me know what you think. I plan on taking advantage of everything that the ranch has to offer. When I come home from my retreat I will be relaxed and hopefully a little Zen. It will also give me a chance to reflect on my life and where it is going. With this new healthier lifestyle, I find that I want more out of life. As a kid, I had so many dreams and aspirations. So many things that I wanted to do that I never did. Well, maybe it’s time that I relook at that list. This retreat seems like the perfect time to do that.

Well, I thought I would leave you all with a little Easter gift. Below is the recipe for the Chocolate Sorbet and the Turkey Quinoa Chili. Give them a try and let me know what you think. Till tomorrow.


2 ½ cups of water
1-¼ cups of agave nectar
½ cup of unsweetened cocoa
3 ounces bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 tablespoons of brewed coffee

Bring water to a boil in a medium saucepan. Stir in agave nectar and cocoa. Reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Remove from heat and add chocolate, vanilla and coffee. Coffee brings out the richness of the chocolate. Stir until the chocolate is completely melted. Cover and chill completely.

Pour chocolate mixture into an ice-cream machine and prepare accordingly. Spoon into freezer safe containers and freeze 1 hour or until firm.


1/3-cup quinoa

2/3-cup water

2 tablespoon olive oil

1 large onion, diced

4 cloves garlic, minced

1 orange bell pepper chopped

1 zucchini chopped

1-pound ground turkey
1/2-teaspoon cinnamon

1-tablespoon cumin

2 tablespoons chili powder
1 teaspoon dried oregano

1 chipotle pepper in adobo sauce, minced

One 28-ounce can crushed tomatoes

One 15 ounce can chicken broth

One 15 ounce cans black beans, drained and rinsed

One 15 ounce can red beans, drained and rinsed

In a small saucepan bring 2/3 cup water to boil; add quinoa, reduce heat to low and simmer for 15-20 minutes, or until quinoa is tender and all water is absorbed. (The little ‘tail’ should be showing on each grain.) Set aside.

In a large stockpot heat the olive oil over medium heat. Sauté onion and garlic until soft. Stir in zucchini and pepper and cook for 5 minutes. Add ground turkey and break up into chunks. Cook until no longer pink, but not cooked completely through.

Stir in cinnamon, chili powder, cumin, chili powder/mix, oregano, chipotle pepper, tomatoes, chicken broth, and beans; simmer for 20 minutes.

Add the quinoa and simmer for an additional 5 minutes. Makes 10 servings, about 1 cups each.

Well, let me know if you try these recipes out. Would love to hear your thoughts. Early day for me tomorrow. I have to be on set for a FOX TV series that I am working on. Plus, it is the wrap party tomorrow night for Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. Cross your fingers that I can get all of my work done so that I can attend. Night all!

Saturday, April 23, 2011


So when they say April showers, they weren’t lying. I woke up this morning and made myself some coffee and breakfast and watched the skies open and just pour rain outside. Now if I were staying inside all day watching movies this would be the perfect day. However, today I had to go into the office and do some casting for The Big C and the Untitled 20th Century Fox program. So after finishing my coffee and breakfast, I showered and dressed, grabbed my umbrella and heading into the office. By the time I sat down at my desk, I was drenched and cold, wishing I were anywhere else but the office. After 6 hours of casting, I packed up and headed home.
Once home, I decided to whip up some chocolate sorbet and Turkey Quinoa chili. I wanted to get some cooking and baking done so that I had lunches and dinners for the week. Since it is sure to be another busy workweek at the office, I wanted to make sure that I had some good food to eat. The latter part of the evening was spent relaxing on the couch watching Mystic River. I had never seen the film and was really impressed. Quite an intense movie with some amazing performances. If you haven’t seen the film, I highly recommend checking it out. As for tomorrow, I need to go to the grocery store to pick up some ingredients for the cheesecake that I am making for Easter dinner at the Taylors. Then of course there is the laundry and dishes that need to be done; not to mention some bill paying and I really have to balance my checkbook. I know, sounds like the perfect Sunday. You must be so jealous! Well, time for me to hit the sack. I need my beauty sleep. Also, I will post the recipes for the Chocolate sorbet, Turkey quinoa chili and cheesecake tomorrow. Till then.

Friday, April 22, 2011

DAY 110 OF 365: TGIF

So tonight’s blog is a short one. I had a busy day today and an even busier day tomorrow. You will be happy to know that I had a great workout with JC this morning followed by a nice trip to Trader Joe’s to stock up on some much needed groceries. Tomorrow it is back to the office to do some casting. I am sore and tired from today so I am going to call it a night. I know, lame blog entry. But I am tired. Till tomorrow. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011


So much for a three day weekend. I knew I shouldn't have gotten so excited. Well, I am going to make the most out of it. I have a session with JC in the morning and then the rest of the day will be spent running errands. Then it is back to work on Saturday and then I will hopefully have Sunday off! Fingers crossed. Well, today was just another busy day at the office. I wasn't able to get a cardio workout in this morning before work, but I am sure JC will kick my ass tomorrow morning. I am definitely seeing a drastic change in my body but I still want to tighten it up more and I definitely want a more defined stomach. Time for bed. I am exhausted after a busy day and I am looking forward to closing my eyes and counting sheep. Till tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


So this week has been a crazy busy week between work and the gym and I am exhausted. I am so looking forward to the weekend, though it is looking like I will be working on Saturday. That’s ok though, because I booked my ticket to LA last night and I am all set for my Meditation Spa retreat that I am taking in June. One week in a tranquil paradise. I am heading to the Rancho La Puerta, a modern-day fitness and spa, which encompass health and wellness for mind, body and spirit. This is my type of vacation. I plan on taking advantage of everything that Rancho La Puerta has to offer. From long nature hikes, to yoga in the morning to meditating at dusk, this vacation will have me Zen and one with myself in no time. The best part is that I will be experiencing this with my great friends Diane and Marcus.
I had a great session with JC this morning, continuing the cross training that we started on Monday. The best part about this workout is that it incorporates muscles throughout the entire body instead of just focusing on one area. Well, time for me to call it a night. Another busy day tomorrow and I need to get into the office early. Till tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


So this morning Helene joined me at the gym for some much needed cardio. I am trying to hit the gym now every morning, whether I am meeting with JC or not. The way I see it, better to start the day off with a great workout that way I am full of energy for my long day at the office. I have to admit, I was skeptical in the beginning about getting up early and working out, but I love it now. There is still the occasional day where it is a fight to get out of bed, but most days my body wins over and I am at the gym with a smile on my face, ready to hit some weights and do some cross fit training.
This morning Helene and I just did cardio on the treadmill. I would like it noted that my treadmill had issues when it came to adjusting the speed and angle at which I was running. Now when I tried to adjust it, it didn’t work. However, Helene adjusted it and it worked! Interesting. I guess the treadmill was not a fan of mine. Better that than falling backwards again off of it. Ironically, the treadmill that I was on this morning was the same treadmill that I fell off of a couple of weeks ago. Maybe it was still mad at me. Well, after an hour of cardio, I showered and headed into the office. I forgot to mention that I packed myself a nice lunch of leftover pork chops, sautéed vegetables and some spinach. It was such a great dinner last night and an even better lunch today. Well tomorrow I have another session with JC in the morning. We are doing some more cross fit training. Better get my beauty sleep so I am rested for the grueling workout that he has prepared for me. Till tomorrow.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Monday has come and gone again, but I kept busy. I started off the morning at the gym with JC doing a total body workout. JC set up stations designed to target every muscle in the body. I did 3 sets of each with a 30 second rest in between each. By the end I was dripping wet with sweat and my entire body was on fire. We will be doing this all week so I better get used to being sore. No pain no gain, right?
Today I was lucky enough to get home by 7:30pm so I decided to cook a nice hearty dinner. I had brined some pork chops in lemon/lime water with some herbs and breaded them in organic breadcrumbs that I seasoned with basil, thyme and garlic. I also sautéed some fresh vegetables in a white wine citrus sauce. I took the lemons and limes that I juiced in the brine and sautéed them up with the vegetable and a little white wine, added some seasonings and yummy in my tummy. The best part is that I have leftovers for lunch tomorrow. After dinner I watched the most recent episode of 90210 in which the students of West Bev took off to Cabo San Lucas for a crazy spring break. Of course Trevor Donovan was shirtless showing off his fit body in the episode. Well, in a few months that will be me. Maybe not in Cabo San Lucas, but I will be shirtless in a pool showing off my fit body. On another note, I am wondering if I get closer to the end of my healthier fitter me challenge if I can get Trevor Donovan to workout of me? Hmm, could be interesting. I think I will have to look into that.
Well, off to bed. I am hitting the gym tomorrow for some cardio before heading into the office for some casting. Till tomorrow.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Sorry that I skipped a day blogging but I was having such a great weekend that I just wanted one day off. Saturday started off with a session with JC jammed packed with more upper body and core workouts. We have been focusing more and more on the upper body, trying to shape the arms and shoulders. Now that I have lost 25lbs, it is time to build up muscle and shape this body up. After working out I headed home to shower and have a nice breakfast before meeting up with friends for lunch and drinks. It was a rainy day Saturday so what better to do then see a movie. Now I am a huge Scream fan so we decided to check out Scream 4. However, it was a total let down. I am not going to go too much into it since I don’t want to spoil it for any fans that have not seen it yet, but as a die-hard fan, I left the theatre disappointed. The rest of the night was spent laughing and catching up with friends. Before I knew it, it was 12:30am and time to head home. Today was a catch up day. There was laundry to do, bills to pay, a checkbook to balance and some household cleaning to do. I ended the day with a nice BBQ at the Taylors where we enjoyed an amazing rotisserie organic chicken, a healthy salad full of all kinds of good vegetables and some nice steaks, A very hearty dinner if I don’t say so myself. Now I am back at home in my PJs, winding down with some TV before a busy workweek at the office. I am wrapping up season 12 of Law and Order: SVU this week and of course I have The Big C, but I also have prep for Glee which I will be working on when it is here next week. So excited and yet I will be extremely busy this week. Well, till tomorrow. 

Friday, April 15, 2011


So everything that I am doing with JC right now is designed to tighten the core and build muscle. The first part of the training was designed to drop the weight and now that we have accomplished that, we are moving on to tightening the core. What does this mean? It means rigorous abs workouts, free weights and bench pressing to name a few. Today’s focus was on the abs and arms. By the end of the session I couldn’t lift another weight and I actually thought that I might drop the weight on my foot. But JC kept pushing me and the competitive side in me jumped started and I pushed through the pain. I left the session feeling sore but at the same time energized. Back at the office, it was a busy day of casting for Law and Order: Special Victims Unit and The Big C. I am also prepping the last two episodes of Glee that will be filming in NYC the end of April. Being a Gleek myself, this is quite exciting for me. It is also a reunion of sorts since I worked with Ryan Murphy on the feature film “Eat Pray Love”. So I am excited to see what I will be casting for him. Whatever it is, I am sure it will be exciting. I am meeting with JC in the morning for another session. My buddy Scott might join me at the gym also so that will be exciting. Then home for a meeting with Jessica before heading out with friends to see Scream 4! I can’t wait. I am a huge Scream fan and know them inside out. So, it will be exciting to see where Scream 4 takes. Especially since the original three cast members are back. Well, time for bed. Early morning tomorrow and this guy needs his beauty sleep. Till tomorrow.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


So today was my companies yearly Client party that we throw for our clients (Producers and industry folks). It was a long busy workday that started off with a production meeting in Connecticut for The Big C and than ended with a me cheating a bit on my healthier fitter me challenge. Sometime we all need a cheat day. The great part about cheating is that you know you have to workout hard the next day. It just so happens that tomorrow morning I have a session with JC. So it looks like I will have to work hard to burn off that glass of wine and piece of chocolate covered cheesecake. But, if you think about it, I don’t do that everyday and I was rewarding myself for all the hard work that I have been putting in at the office and at the gym. Well off to bed. I have a session with JC in the morning followed by a busy day at the office. It is the final count down for Season 12 of Law and Order: SVU and I have some casting to do for The Big C and I start prep on the Season Finale of Glee. How exciting is that! Well, till tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I wish I could tell you all something exciting happened today, but alas, just another busy day of casting extras. I am wrapping up season 12 of Law and Order: SVU in five days and than I will just have The Big C until June 16th. After that I am off for two weeks for a much needed vacation. I promise this weekend I will fill you in on the amazing trip I have planned. All I can say is that after this vacation, I should be Zen and even more on the healthier fitter me track. Well, sorry to cut this blog short, but I have to get up early tomorrow morning to catch a train to Stamford, Connecticut for a production meeting for The Big C. Hard to believe we are almost half way done filming for Season two! Time sure does fly. In a little over two months I will be turning 31. That to me is the biggest shocker. It still feels like yesterday I was pulling all nighters cramming for exams in college. Now, I am turning 31 and a homeowner. When did I turn into an adult? Well, till tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

DAY 100 OF 365: HOLY CRAP IT S DAY 100!

Holy crap I cannot believe that it is Day 100 of the challenge. Who would have thought that I would have lasted this long. But I have and I have never felt better. However, I just got home from work and it is after midnight and I am exhausted. I have to get up early tomorrow morning to go to a meeting work. Because of that I have to move my session with JC to Saturday morning. So now I am meeting with JC Friday morning and also Saturday morning. Not sure if that was a good idea, but I have to make sure to keep up with my training. At least I will start my weekend off with an intense workout. But, before I forget, I have officially booked my meditation retreat and I could not be more excited. I will fill you in on all the details this weekend. Now all I have to do is book my plane ticket and I am all set! Well, time for me to call it a night. I am exhausted. Busy day at the office today and I have a feeling that tomorrow will be the same. Till tomorrow.

Monday, April 11, 2011


So I don’t know about you but I dread Monday’s. I actually count down on Sundays until I go to bed, knowing that as soon as I close my eyes it will be Monday morning. However, this morning and today was a whole different story. I don’t know if it was the 75-degree weather, the sun or that fact that I was bouncing off the wall from natural adrenaline, but Monday was off the hook. My workout with JC kicked my ass, but I never felt better. We started off with my normal warm up and then moved right to the arms, biceps and back. To refresh all your memories, I have NO upper body strength. NONE! But slowly, I am getting stronger and gaining more control in my arms when lifting weights. I have even noticed that my shoulders have gotten broader and then other day I was mesmerized in the mirror at the sight of biceps and muscles on my arm. That’s right, I stared in the mirror and gazed at the beauty that I call myself. Please, don’t judge me. You all know you do the same thing. Well, maybe not. But hey, give a guy a break. If I am going to bust my ass and sweat the fat off I might as well take the time to enjoy the sight of it. So after my session with JC I showered and then headed to work. I walked out of the gym and it was like my vitamin D levels exploded and my body fully charged before hitting the PATH train. I was actually jamming on my iPod while I was on the PATH and I am pretty sure that I was singing out load. That’s right, I was signing. I was waiting for the new directions to jump on the PATH train and start a musical number about Vitamin D and then I would join in and become an honorary member. Yes folks, I have let you all in on a little secret; I am a GLEEK and proud of it. You have to give it to Ryan Murphy. He has reintroduced the American public to the beauty of singing and dancing and now, slowly but surely, it is becoming cool to be a member of the glee club, show choir and theatre club! The revolution has begun! Ok, so I digress. Back to the Monday work day.
At the office, we opened the windows, pulled up the blinds and enjoyed the sunshine on our pale white bodies! It actually made working more pleasant. Now don’t get me wrong, I was still extremely busy with casting the season finale of Law and Order: SVU and The Big C, but I was enjoying the day and not stuck in the Monday blues! Before I knew it, the clock read 7:30pm and it was time to head home. It was still light out, still warm and I was going home to cook myself a nice home cooked meal, enjoy some good TV before calling it a night. I just wish that everyday could be like that. How amazing would that be? But I guess that is why some people are depressed in the winter and vibrant in the summer. We just need some good old vitamin D. It doesn’t hurt that I am also staying active at the gym and eating right. Who knew what I was missing? I sure didn’t. Well I am almost to the half way mark of the challenge and I think I am doing pretty damn good! How about all of you? Any milestones or goals that you have met?
Well tomorrow is another day. Let’s hope that it is just as fun as today. Till tomorrow.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


So the weekend has come to a close and the workweek is upon us. I don’t know about you, but this warm weather has me so excited for summer. But with summer around the corner, it means I need to work harder to tighten up my body. So along with my sessions with JC I am going to have to do more core and abs workouts to define my stomach and start creating a six pack. Who am I kidding; I will take a two pack for now.
So today I spent 1 hour at the grocery store shopping for much needed groceries. The problem is that so were a whole bunch of other people. I enjoy shopping for groceries, but not when people are ramming their carts into yours and pushing you out of the way when they want to get the last loaf of white bread when they should really be grabbing for the whole wheat bread. Next time I think I need to go shopping on a Saturday night. I bet it is nice a calm then. When do you all go grocery shopping? I have also noticed that eating healthy is a lot more expensive than not eating healthy. I spent roughly $150 today and that will last me a little over a week. For that money you would think my fridge and cabinets would be stocked, but actually they are only about half full. But at least I have some fresh fruits and green for juicing, some great protein in the form of chicken, ground turkey and pork chops, and some ingredients to make some healthy sorbet and smoothies.
So after unpacking the groceries I headed to the Taylor’s for a nice home cooked meal. Those Taylor’s sure do know how to make a guy feel welcome. All you need to do is cook an amazing meal, great conversation and of course a good movie. The next thing I knew it was 9:30pm and time to head home. I still had to finish folding laundry and get myself ready for work in the morning. Oh and of course I need my rest for my Monday morning session with JC. On another note, if anyone has any good juicing recipes, let me know. I am all about juicing fruits and greens and I would love some suggestions. Till tomorrow.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Ok, so I will admit, I was lazy and did absolutely nothing today. I got up this morning with great intentions and ended up lounging on the couch watching movies. I know; I should be ashamed of myself. A beautiful day and I was cooped up in the house. But, my body needed to recharge and I need to relax. I actually took a nap today for about an hour and a half. And you know what? It felt great. I wish that we took naps more often. We would be so much more relaxed and energized during the second half of the day if we just took naps. Remember in kindergarten and Pre School when you had to take naps and you refused? Well now I would love to just take an hour nap every day. The only thing healthy and fit that I did today was juice some fresh fruit and take a walk around the neighborhood. Other than that, I parked my butt on the couch and caught up on some movie watching. I promise that tomorrow will not only be more productive but also more exciting. I see grocery shopping in my future and a workout at the gym. Oh, and I think another movie or two. I mean, I better rest up while I can. It is another busy week next week at the office. Well, off to be. Till tomorrow.

Friday, April 8, 2011

DAY 96 OF 365: TGIF

Well I made it to Friday and I am exhausted. I came home from work and lay down on the couch to watch some TV and I passed out. The next thing I know I roll over and it is 12:15am. Well, I am looking forward to curling into bed and having a restful night. Especially after the full body workout JC put me through today. It was basically like boot camp. I am lucky I survived. I am thinking a nice big breakfast tomorrow and a nice cup of coffee. Oh, and I am planning on sleeping in. Well, till tomorrow.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Did you ever have one of those days where nothing went right? Where everything you set out to do just didn’t end well? Well, today was one of those days for me. I had planned on going to the gym this morning to do some cardio before heading into the office. The problem was when my alarm went off this morning I must have hit the snooze button and went back to bed. The next thing I know, I am rolling over to see my clock reading 8:50am. Holy crap, I over slept! I rushed into the bathroom, showered, grabbed some fruit and ran to the PATH train. That should have been a sign as to what was in store for me. At least I didn’t forget to grab my lunch that consisted of left over grilled chicken as I ran out the door. Oddly enough, I bumped into my buddy Helene on the PATH ride into work. So we caught up a bit before heading our separate ways. So into the office I went for a long day of casting extras for Law and Order: SVU and The Big C.
I was trying to get a caught up with work while also prepping a head for a busy week next week. Whenever I thought I was getting ahead, production would call and change something on me or an actor would cancel. Needless to say, I did not get caught up or any prepping for the following week. I barely got done what I needed to get done today. At least I had a healthy and very filling lunch. So here I am, home and waiting for production to wrap so that I can get some sleep before working out with JC in the morning. TGIF tomorrow! I am really looking to a restful and relaxing weekend. I always say that, and yet it never seems to happen. Well fingers crossed. Till tomorrow.  

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I’ve noticed since I have moved into my condo that I cook so much more. I love the openness of the kitchen, and well I just love cooking in general. So when I get the chance to cook a nice home cooked meal, I jump at the opportunity. So tonight when I got home at a decent hour, I decided to cook some grilled chicken, sautéed asparagus in a garlic lemon sauce and some roasted yellow baby potatoes. Having the chance to just sit down at my dining room table eating in peace is such a nice feeling. Enjoying what you just made, while enjoying the peace and tranquility; especially after a hectic day at the office. Nothing beats that feeling. So after dinner, I cleaned up and watched my buddy Diane who returned to Law and Order: SVU tonight in a powerful episode with Terrence Howard. Was great to see her back in the courtroom! And according to twitter, I think a lot of others had the same feeing. My favorite part about extras casting is sitting back and watching how the entire episode comes together. Its funny how sometimes I can read a script and envision something and then when I actually watch the episode, see how every department comes together to create something magical. Did you know that there are about 150 people on the SVU crew? Crazy huh.
This morning I worked out with JC and we concentrated on the legs. JC had me running up stairs, pulling weights across the floor and also pushing a weight filled sled. Needless to say, my legs were jell-o after that intense workout. As JC said, we have to keep working the legs so that I don’t have chicken legs with a nice toned body. That would look pretty ridiculous.
Also, I don’t know about anyone else, but I love a good smoothie. Especially after a nice workout or even in the morning before work. So I was surprised to find out that Crate and Barrel has an entire cookbook dedicated to many different smoothies. Well, I think I might just have to add that cookbook to my collection. You can never have too many cookbooks! Well time for me to call it a night. Till tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Is it bad that my clothes are starting to get baggy and not fit as well as they should and yet I refuse to go out and buy new ones? I mean what is the point of buying new clothes if I am just going to continue to lose weight and gain muscle? The way I see it, I should just start wearing belts and wait until the summer to clean out my closet and restock with new clothes that fit the new me. I think that might actually be a blast, buying new clothes that is. Well, it might not be fun on the wallet, but it sure will still be fun. Oh, and on another note, I had my last production meeting for Law and Order: SVU today for season 12 and five people stopped me at the studio to tell me how great I looked and that they couldn’t believe how much weight I lost. I couldn’t believe it; people were really starting to take notice, which was making me take notice. And to top it off, I am finally starting to lose that fat under my chin, you know, the double chin. I have a before photo that I will be posting in June at my half way mark that I look at and can’t believe that that was me. Well, it is great motivation to push me harder. Another session with JC in the morning. Time to call it a night. Almost midnight and I am exhausted. On a positive note, only two more weeks until pilot season is over! Till tomorrow.

Monday, April 4, 2011


So I have waved goodbye to March and welcomed April in with a vigorous workout. I am still working out with JC three days a week, focusing more on weight lifting and strength building. I have moved away from the weight assisted machines and I am now focusing more on the free weights. The problem with free weights is that you have to have the strength to not just lift the weights but also control them. You have to make sure that your core is solid and that the weight is balanced. On a non-weight related issue, I have noticed that getting up early is a lot easier than it used to be. Now, by the end of the week that is a different story. But at the start of the week, getting up early is actually kind of refreshing. After each workout I feel invigorated and more motivated to get things done during the day. So if you can workout in the morning, I really suggest you do so. It can really change the way you feeling during the day.
I have to say, I am looking forward to planning my meditation spa retreat. Now, on 90210 they went to a spa in Ojai, California. However, there are some amazing meditation spa retreats all over the country. So, picking one out is going to be fun. Anyone have any suggestions to some great meditation spa/retreats? I would love to hear your thoughts. Well, time for bed. Another busy day at the office tomorrow starting with an early morning production meeting for the season finale of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. Till tomorrow.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


So today began with a great cup of coffee, good friends, and a healthy smoothie before hitting the gym. I met the Taylor’s this morning for some fresh coffee, something they are known for. They have a French press and coffee beans that they grind fresh before brewing this aromatic cup of morning Joe. Helene even made an antioxidant smoothie and then off we all went to the gym. An hour of cardio and a nice walk later, I was home showering and getting ready to head out to the mall. I know, how could I be going to the mall on such a nice day? But the thing is, I had to make some exchanges and this was the only day I could go. So after the little mall trip with Helene, I headed home to unfortunately do laundry, balance my checkbook and relax with a nice dinner and a good movie.
Tomorrow starts another hectic workweek so I wanted to make sure that I was well rested. Also, I am going to pick up some leafy greens from Trader Joe’s so that I can start making green juices in the morning before work. Who would have thought that I would be enjoying a drink made of kale, celery and cucumber juice? I know if you had asked me six months ago I would have laughed at you. But now, my taste buds have been awakened from a sleep and they tingle at every knew taste that I introduce to them. That is the fun part of this challenge. Well the laundry is done, I made a chicken quinoa stir-fry with sautéed string beans in balsamic oil that was amazing and now I am ready to call it a night. Till tomorrow.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


It was so nice not to wake up to an alarm clock or the phone ringing from production this morning. Instead I woke up on my on, made some coffee and enjoyed a nice breakfast. What’s even better was enjoying my cup of coffee in my comfy new chair. Oh how I waited for it to arrive but now that it is here I can’t imagine my life without it.
I had a session today with Jessica and one of the main topics was juicing. I recently bought a juicer and it is amazing. There are so many things to juice and who knew how amazing they all tasted. You can juice anything from the obvious oranges, grape fruit and apples, to cucumbers, celery and even leafy greens like kale and spinach. Drinking fresh juice is not only beneficial to your health but it is also great for your skin. It gives you that glow and makes your skin so clear and smooth. I have noticed a huge difference in my skin just from dinking more water and cutting out the sodas and sugar-loaded juices. So can you image what green juice will do? So after my session with Jessica, she made me her favorite green juice. I recommend trying it out if you have a juicer.

1 bunch of kale

1 cucumber

3 celery stalks

½ bunch of parsley

1 lemon peeled with the pith still on

1 apple

Try it out and let me know what you think. Tomorrow morning I am meeting Scott and Helene and the three of us our hitting the gym for some cardio and then some abs. I may be losing weight but now it is time for me to start tightening up my core and defining my body. Summer is fast approaching and I need to look good in a bathing suit. Well time for me to go to bed. Tomorrow is shaping up to be a busy day. Hitting the gym in the morning, then to the mall to exchange some things, then home to do some laundry, bill paying and cleaning. I know it does not sound fun but it has to be done. Then I can relax with a nice dinner and a good movie before the workweek starts again. Till tomorrow.

Friday, April 1, 2011


So after a long week all that I want to do is curl up in my bed. Looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow. So tonight I am going to be short, sweet and to the point. Long day equals a tired Dave! Till tomorrow.