Monday, January 2, 2012


Well my friends the challenge came to an end today. 365 days ago I started this journey with a lot of goals and assumptions. However, I ended this challenge with a new understanding of health, strength and determination. I may not have completed this challenge with the outcome that I had expected (a sculpted body like Trevor Donovan) but I am leaving it with a new healthy lifestyle that will be with me for years to come. When I open my fridge I no longer see soda and sweets but rather greens, fruits and fresh brewed tea. My freezer is no longer home to breyers ice cream and frozen candy but instead homemade sorbet made from fresh fruits and agave. Instead of sleeping in an extra 2 hours a day, I am now working out at the gym. Three of those days with my trainer, JC. These are all changes that would not have happened were it not for this challenge. Because of all of these changes, I now have more energy and stamina, clearer skin and a healthier body that thanks me everyday.  So actually, I completed this challenge a winner. It may not be the prize that I expected to win, but I am still a winner. The best part is that even though this challenge ended today, tomorrow I will wake up and act as if I am still in the game. So even though I will not be blogging every day, I will still check in from time to time letting you in on my progress and any new recipes or sites that I discover. Oh and don't forget that on March 31st I will be posting the photo that I know you are all anxious to see. Well, with that I say goodbye for now. Tomorrow is a new day and a new journey. And I leave you with this. I was strong before this challenge but I am stronger having been through it. We all have the power to change ourselves for the better. We just have to have the determination and strength to do it.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy New Year everyone. Hard to believe that another year has come to an end which means tomorrow is day 365 of my challenge. Unfortunately I am not where I expected to be with this challenge, but the good thing is that it is now a lifestyle. I have decided that I am going to continue working out with JC seeing as he is more motivated than ever now that he has seen the photo I am recreating in March. I will be unveiling the photo at the charity event that I am producing. So on March 31st I will post the photo here and on twitter. Be on the look out for it.
The end of this challenge just means a new journey on the road to a healthier me. The way I look at it, 2011 was all about building the foundation and 2012 is going to be about building on that foundation. I lost all the weight in 2011 and in 2012 I am going to tone up and build upon the muscle. I am already researching new juicers as I think that I have out grown mine. Only a year old but it wasn't built for the type of juicing I am doing. I guess that is why you should research before buying one. Lesson learned. Besides, it didn't cost that much and the little guy got me through this first year. He is like the little juicer that could. But tonight he started to give up on me. Well everyone, time for me to relax before bed. I am meeting with JC in the morning and then off to the mall to do some shopping and mattress hunting. Till tomorrow.

Saturday, December 31, 2011


Another year's end is upon us and that means this challenge is fast approaching the finish line. I wish that I could tell you that I had an amazing New Years Eve planned, but instead I decided to have a quiet night at home. A night to enjoy the peaceful end to 2011 and usher in an amazing 2012. Tomorrow starts a new year and the continuation of an amazing healthy lifestyle. I have learned so much this year about my health and body and I am looking forward to enjoying that journey in 2012. So I am going to sip my pear and strawberry juice, enjoy a good movie and welcome in 2012. I hope you all have a safe and healthy New Years eve and I will see you next year! Till next year!

Friday, December 30, 2011


So this morning was a full leg workout with arms and biceps flushed in. There were points during the session that I wasn't sure that I would be able to make it through. But I pushed through and I am better for it. By the time that we got to the arms and biceps I was pretty much spent. I can tell that JC is pushing me harder than usual since he is more determined than ever to trim up my mid section. He is even more determined now that I showed him the photo that I need to replicate. I just hope that I can survive his determination. Afterwards, I walked home, showered and enjoyed a nice big glass of green juice. Today's blend was a handful of kale, 2 lemons, a cucumber, 3 carrots, 2 green apples and 3 stalks of celery. Thought that I would replenish my body after that extensive workout. The rest of the day was spent working, doing some after Christmas sale shopping, and mattress shopping. Tomorrow the last bit of Christmas will be taken away as my beautiful tree will be recycled. It is kind of sad seeing a bare tree in my living room without any lights or ornaments. Just another sign that the year is coming to an end. Time for new resolutions and new beginnings. Well, time for me to relax with a good movie. One of the perks of being on vacations. I better enjoy it while it lasts since I will be heading back to the office next week. Till tomorrow.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


So as usual, I was surfing the web for a new blog to help me on my new path of healthy living and I came across "My Juice Cleanse: Because fruits & veggies love you back". Very informative and I love getting others approaches to a more healthy lifestyle of greens and juices. It really is all about cleansing the body and making sure that it has the nutrients needed to keep you living a balanced life. Do me a favor and check it out. Some great advice and some really tasty recipes. Here is the link to the site,
For me, stumbling onto this site was the best part of the day. Not only is it informative and stock piled with recipes, but it also has advice, tips and well lets face it, another person's point of view. For me the hardest part about this new lifestyle is keeping it fresh. I try to find new recipes and improve upon old ones so that I never become bored or over exposed to one flavor. Eating or for that matter, drinking, the same thing over and over again can become stale and that is something that I don't want to happen.
Seeing as there are only four days left of the "Challenge",  I have been trying to think about what to do with this blog after the fact. Do I continue it or do I allow to take another form? I have yet to make the final decision but I will let you know once I have figured it out. Until then, happy juicing and remember, a healthier lifestyle is a happier one. Till tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Happy Wednesday everyone. I am one sore guy! When my alarm went off this morning at 6:45am, it was a total shock for my body. I am pretty sure that if my body could talk it would have hit the snooze button, said F you and then went back to bed. It was not ready to say goodbye to the holiday vacation and say hello to reality. But, I forced myself to get out of bed and head on down to meet JC at the gym. Well, there was no catching up for me and JC. We just hit the ground running. JC has restructured my workout in order to slim down my mid section and tone up the muscle. I love how in the beginning, the weight was just flying off but now it is harder to shed the weight and tone up the muscle. There was actually a point while doing my weighted lunges that I almost fell over from exhaustion. But it was JC screaming in my ear to picture that body and finish strong. Now I realize that there are only 5 days left of this challenge, and quite frankly I am nowhere near where I want or thought I would be but guess what? The challenge may end in 5 days but thank god that this is a lifestyle change that will continue way after the challenge has ended. Oh, and that photo will now be revealed on March 31st. So with that I say goodnight. Tomorrow I need to pack up all the Christmas decorations and get my house back in order. Oh and I am sure there will be some juicing and gym time also. Oh and lets not forget a movie or two. I mean, I am still on vacation aren't I? Till tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


So I don't know about you, but the coming down from the holiday high is hard. I just want to relax and watch movies and be a couch potato. And to make matters worse, it was a rainy and miserable day today. But, you will be proud of me because I juiced and prepared some healthy food while cleaning and organizing the house. It was also play day with all my new Christmas presents while I watched some good movies. So see, I was able to multi task and still feel like I had a productive yet relaxing day. Tomorrow is going to be another busy day and I get to have an early start as it is my first day back with JC since Christmas. I am already preparing myself for a extensive workout ending with me crawling home. But there is no rest for the weary because I have a jam packed day and I want to get to the mall to see if I can catch some of these after Christmas sales. I am in need of so new clothes and I am all about sales. Well with that I say goodnight. Till tomorrow.