Monday, January 2, 2012


Well my friends the challenge came to an end today. 365 days ago I started this journey with a lot of goals and assumptions. However, I ended this challenge with a new understanding of health, strength and determination. I may not have completed this challenge with the outcome that I had expected (a sculpted body like Trevor Donovan) but I am leaving it with a new healthy lifestyle that will be with me for years to come. When I open my fridge I no longer see soda and sweets but rather greens, fruits and fresh brewed tea. My freezer is no longer home to breyers ice cream and frozen candy but instead homemade sorbet made from fresh fruits and agave. Instead of sleeping in an extra 2 hours a day, I am now working out at the gym. Three of those days with my trainer, JC. These are all changes that would not have happened were it not for this challenge. Because of all of these changes, I now have more energy and stamina, clearer skin and a healthier body that thanks me everyday.  So actually, I completed this challenge a winner. It may not be the prize that I expected to win, but I am still a winner. The best part is that even though this challenge ended today, tomorrow I will wake up and act as if I am still in the game. So even though I will not be blogging every day, I will still check in from time to time letting you in on my progress and any new recipes or sites that I discover. Oh and don't forget that on March 31st I will be posting the photo that I know you are all anxious to see. Well, with that I say goodbye for now. Tomorrow is a new day and a new journey. And I leave you with this. I was strong before this challenge but I am stronger having been through it. We all have the power to change ourselves for the better. We just have to have the determination and strength to do it.

1 comment:

  1. Yoga Is booming: For proof, you needn't look any further than your health club, your cable-TV schedule or even Target or Walgreens, where yoga mats and DVDs now share shelf space with household sundries. According to a Harris Poll last year, some 15 million Americans are practicing yoga an increase of nearly 30 percent over 2002. For this you really need some
    NYC Yoga Instructor
