Thursday, June 30, 2011


It is always hard to get back into the grind when you return from a vacation. For me, the hardest part has been the food. Not only was it healthy but it was also prepared for me. So after a great workout or a hike, I didn't have to prepare anything. Now, I come back from the gym and I have to prepare an amazing and healthy meal. It sounds bad, but after a week of having amazing food prepared for you, you kind of get used to it.
Well the laundry is done and the bills have been paid. The only think left to do is get back into my routine. Tomorrow is my first day back working out with JC. Even though I worked out everyday at the ranch, I am still anticipating a hard and intense session with JC. He will not be taking it easy on me and I don't expect him too. I have decided to step up my challenge and in a couple of days I will be filling you all in on what I mean. But for now, all you need to know is that I am increasing my workout and concentrating on tightening up my core. Well, off to bed. Early morning working out with JC. Till tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


The first day back from vacation is always a bit chaotic. There is all the laundry that needs to be done. The mailbox full of mail (mostly bills) that needs to be sorted. Not to mention that musty smell of the house/condo that happens when the windows have been closed and the air has been turned off while you are away. I spent most of the day taking care of all the above mentioned as well as dealing with my jet lag. I was up today by 8am, which in LA would be 5am. Now, lets not forget that I went to bed at 1am NY time. So needless to say, my poor body is a little confused with the time change. 
I am hoping that tomorrow I can hit the gym before running some errands. I am enjoying the taking it easy part though. It is nice coming home from a vacation and not having to go right back to work. The only downfall is that I miss the amazing food from the ranch. Well, I guess I will have to master the cuisine of the ranch. Hmm, that might not be as easy as one may think. Time for bed. I am exhausted, though I feel like I have hardly accomplished anything today. Till tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


So I spent most of today traveling from LA to NYC. I woke up this morning and enjoyed some coffee and breakfast with Marcus and Diane before packing up my things and enjoying one last view of their gorgeous backyard. I love that they have fruit trees all throughout their backyard. We even enjoyed some fresh squeezed OJ this morning. After packing up and saying my goodbyes, Diane drove me to LAX for what seemed like the longest check in process. There was a moment I actually thought that I might not make it to the gate in time. LAX is crazy and no one really wants to help you. But, I lucked out and made it to gate 33B with 15 minutes to spare. Now my flight to LA was great. The plane was hardly filled and no kids. This flight home however was packed and about a third of them were kids that felt the need to scream and cry the entire flight. One of them was sitting right across from me. Needless to say, it was not a pleasant flight home. But I landed unharmed and I am home in Jersey City. I was greeted by bills and my new credit cards and lots of laundry. Fun times! Well, I am back to reality and back to working out with JC. I am going to try and increase my workout schedule and include more juicing in my diet. I am bringing the Ranch and it's philosophies home with me. Tomorrow I am going to research some yoga classes in my area and also check into pilates classes. Till tomorrow.


So today was my last day in LA. Hard to believe my LA/Mexico meditation spa retreat vacation has come to an end. Well, I enjoyed some time today with Diane at the Santa Monica pier followed by some much needed lounging by the pool. Tomorrow morning I will have just enough time to pack up before heading to LAX to catch my flight back home to JFK. The sad part is that there is the whole three hour time change so by the time that I land and get home it will be past midnight. Not looking forward to that. Well, I am off to bed. Till tomorrow.

Monday, June 27, 2011


So today was the first day back from the ranch and I am exhausted! I underestimated how much it took out of me, especially getting up every morning at 5:30am. I woke up this morning and helped Diane set up for a party. Well, sorry to be short and sweet but I am off to bed. Till tomorrow.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

DAY 174 OF 365: BACK IN LA

So we drove back to LA this morning after an amazing week at Rancho La Puerta. I had an amazing time. This is the most relaxed I have felt in a long time. I will try and post some photos tomorrow that we took at the ranch. I am exhausted and looking forward to some sleep. Going to bed now. Laundry will have to wait till tomorrow. Going to keep this post short and sweet! Till tomorrow.

Friday, June 24, 2011


So I started today off with a 5.5 mile hike called the coyote hike. Once again the views were amazing. I have to say that I am very proud of myself in that I got up every morning to do an early morning hike. We took some amazing photos that I will post on the blog when we get home to LA tomorrow. The evening ended with an amazing dinner at the dining hall with a live band and dancing. By the end of dinner we were all on the dance floor having a great time. I am sad to leave tomorrow morning. Some great memories were made and some new friendships created. So,I have to thank Trevor Donovan who inspired me to do this challenge. Because of him I was able to experience the beauty of Rancho La Puerta. Well, I am off the enjoy the evening with friends. Till tomorrow.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

DAY 172 OF 365: 7 MILE HIKE

Talk about amazing hike. We left the ranch at 6am with our back packs filled with water and breakfast and made our way up through the mountains. At 6am the views were spectacular. The sun was just rising over the crests of the mountains and we actually saw some wild horses grazing in the below fields. We hiked up to a rock formation that overlooked a 360 degree view of the landscape. We sat there on the rocks and enjoyed a nice breakfast and gazed at the beauty in front of us. By 9am we were back at the ranch and I had just enough time to shower before heading over to my yoga class. It is a level one progressive class and with the help of the instructors, I am going to look for a yoga class in the city in the same yoga style that I have been practicing, which is Anusara Yoga. Now I know that I was asking for trouble, I mean with just finishing the 7 mile hike and then going right to yoga, but I decided to do a meditation class and then a stretching class. It actually worked out great. The meditation class actually gave me a chance to reflect on my retreat and also life. These days we really don't take the time to just sit and reflect. We are all so busy and just going and going, never taking time to smell the roses. The stretching class was great for working out the kinks that I had from the hike. So what I didn't stretch out in yoga, I definitely stretched out in Stretch class.
The end of the day I took a cooking class with the guest chef, Virginia Willis at the cooking school at the ranch. It was an amazing class that ended with all 18 of us sitting down to an amazing dinner that we all helped prepare with the guidance of the chef. The best part was that it was southern, healthy cooking! I know, right? Who would have thought. We had a great meal with even better conversation. I have met so many great and interesting people that I will be keeping in contact with. The only real downfall of this amazing retreat is that I will have to leave to go back to reality. But at least I will be able to take home what I have learned to help grow with my healthier fitter me. Not to mention that I purchased two of the cookbooks filled with the recipes for all the amazing meals that we have been eating throughout the week. Well, I am off to bed. I have another 6am hike tomorrow. This one is called the Coyote Hike. And yes, there are coyotes here on the ranch. You can actually hear them at night. Till tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Every morning when I walk to meet the group for the morning hikes I pass by this rock where a quote is written everyday. This morning I noticed the above quote which struck a chord with me. "If you must doubt something, doubt your limits". Well, at 6am in the morning that is a hard hitting life lesson and so true. Many times I have found that I wouldn't try something or take a leap of faith because I doubted myself. I am sure that you have all had moments where you took a second and said, you know what I am going to pass because I don't think I can do that. You took the easy route out. Who am I to judge, I have done the same. This healthier fitter me challenge and this retreat have made me realize though, that anything is possible. Who would have thought that a food junkie with a sweet tooth, would now be eating fresh fruit and whole wheat pancakes and waking up every morning at 5:30am to go on a hike. Six months ago I might have said no way. I would have doubted myself and my capabilities and missed out on a whole other side to life. 
This morning Diane and I ate by the pool and enjoyed a nice fresh healthy breakfast. I still can't get over how fresh the food is here at Rancho La Puerta and at the same time how healthy it is. We are actually on a calorie restricted diet here, which I found out at my lecture for "The role of calorie restriction, juice fasting and inner cleansing on health and longevity". Try saying that five times quickly! This lecture was given by the ranch's director of nutrition and I found it very insightful. We honestly don't realize how many toxins that we are putting in our bodies at any given day or for that matter how many nutrients that we are actually depriving our body. There are also so many fasting fads that are going on and also many juice diets, but if you don't do your research or follow them correctly you could actually be damaging your body and depleting it of actual fat cells and muscle that it needs. We learned that fasting should be done only 1 to 3 days and that if you are going to do a juice cleanse, use fresh ingredients and juice them yourself as the actual antioxidants and healthy vitamins will be dead after 30 minutes. 
The evening ended with a beautiful concert. They performed pieces from Porgy and Bess, Carmen and other arrangements. The perfect ending to another amazing day in paradise. Tomorrow I am going on a seven mile hike through the mountains. We leave at 6am and I am thinking that we will be back to the ranch by 11am. We will be given backpacks with a breakfast that we will have once we arrive at the top of the mountain. Then in the afternoon we are taking a cooking class at their renowned cooking school and garden where all these amazing recipes are created. I am really looking forward to that. Well, I am off to bed. Till tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


So today started with a geology hike through the mountains to learn the history of the rock formations here at the ranch. It was an interesting and educational hike. I am trying to get up early everyday to enjoy a hike and the beautiful surroundings here at the round. It truly is one of the most relaxing and healthy places that I have been to. Every meal whether it is breakfast or dinner is different. You will never eat the same thing twice while you stay here. They even have an amazing cook book full of all the healthy recipes of the cuisine that they prepare here. That will be going home with me for sure. The one thing that I have realized here is that I enjoy yoga. I have been taking a yoga class every morning and it truly centers and relaxes me. It allows me to focus all of my energy on myself and what I want to accomplish throughout the day. Not only does yoga allow you to strengthen your body, but it also gives you a chance to meditate and reflect on your life and day. When I return home, I will definitely be finding a yoga class to attend. Tonight is the summer solstice and we are celebrating here at the ranch. Should be interesting since I have never attended a Summer Solstice. Well, I am off to the Labyrinth for the celebration. It is under mount Kuchumaa and I feel very one with nature and earth attending such an event. Till tomorrow.

Monday, June 20, 2011


So today was another day in paradise. I slept with the windows open last night and the cool breeze and the sound of nature outside my windows eased me into a total slumber. This morning I started off my day with another hike, this one the Pilgrim Hike, followed by a nice breakfast of fresh fruit and granola as well as some whole wheat pancakes with an apple cinnamon topping. I added some flax seeds to my granola for some added health. After breakfast I decided to do the men's circuit training. I was feeling kind of adventurous and I wanted JC to be proud. We started off on the treadmill running for fifteen minutes before starting 1 minute stations of 25 different exercises that ranged from weights to bikes to squats to jump rope. By the end of this I was sweating and I am pretty sure that I did not smell too great either. So after chatting with the guys for a couple of minutes I met up with Diane and headed to the pool to lounge for a bit before making my way over to the spa for my facial, courtesy of the Taylors. The facial was pure bliss. Between the scalp and shoulder massage, the facial itself and the calming scents and music, I was floating on air. I left the spa feeling rejuvenated and my face looked amazing. Not red or blotchy like some facials can leave you, but rather a slight glow.
This afternoon they had a mixer of sorts where they made homemade "healthy" sangria and guacamole at the gazebo and we had a chance to chat with other guests. Now before heading to the mixer, I attended a lecture by one of the guest speakers who happened to be a Rabbi. He gave this amazing lecture on stories and beliefs that have been passed down. Now, you didn't have to be jewish to take anything away from this lecture. The main point of his speech was realizing that miracles take place everyday and that life is a precious gift that we are given. We only have one life, and what we make out of it is what we get from it. That is what truly resonated with me. This journey has not just been about finding the healthier fitter me. That is just part of it. The healthier fitter me also is about finding me. Everyday we learn something new; sometimes without even realizing it. The true test is what we make out of these lessons. Do we grow and change from them or do we keep going in our stale and familiar life, leaving behind an opportunity for growth and happiness?
Now, having been hit with this amazing and deep realization, what's a guy to do? Well, this guy booked a therapeutic deep tissue massage for Wednesday and then lounged in a hammock while I waited for Diane while she got scalp therapy. We then enjoyed another amazing dinner full of great conversation with our new friends Marie and Ralph. The best part is that all of your meals are in this gorgeous dinning hall. Breakfast and Lunch you have the option of eating outside in their garden/terrace area, but at dinner you eat inside at these large tables, giving you an opportunity to eat with new and interesting people.
Well, I am once again in the lounge typing my blog before heading home for bed. I have another hike in the morning and I need to be up by 5:30am so I need my sleep. I have decided that for the remainder of the trip I will not use social media per the advice of Helene Taylor. I don't want to leave the tranquility of this amazing retreat and get caught up with what is happening back home. I want to live in the moment. So starting now, it is only my blog and nothing else until I return to LA. So off to bed I go. Till tomorrow.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


So I woke up this morning at 5:30am to go on the professor hike. It is a 3.5 mile hike up a mountain with a nice incline and then back down. I met my group at the main lounge where we enjoyed some fruit and water before making the trek up the mountain. The fresh air and the views were incredible. You really take for granted the smells that there are, especially living in the city. After finishing the hike, Diane and I went to the dining hall where we enjoyed fresh fruit, granola, eggs, and yogurt with some fresh squeezed orange juice and a nice cup of coffee.
 The only way to describe the ranch is like a college campus. You begin to learn your fellow "classmates" names since you see them in your classes and the professors here are not only knowledgeable, but also friendly and approachable. No question is too stupid for them to answer. I found myself running around the campus making sure to be on time for my selected classes. The only real downfall is that there are so many interesting classes that you want to take, yet not enough time to take them all. Today I took my first Yoga class which was truly amazing. Jessica spoke so highly about yoga and said how much it strengthened the core. Well, she was right. I found myself using muscles I had never used nor even knew I had. I was actually sweating after the class. Another interesting class that I took today was Cardio Drum. The only way to describe it would be to say Stomp met Glee at a broadway show. I will say this though, I left that class energized and full of sweat. Picture this, 18 people with plastic sticks and trash cans, banging, side stepping and lunging to the beat. Need I say more? The best part is that besides classes, there are also guest lectures. Today I went to Love Cycles and Folklore Stories.
It is so relaxing, especially since there are no televisions or cell phones. I have to go to the main lounge to use my computer. Even as I type now it is quiet and soothing in the lounge. Everywhere you go, whether it be the lounges or the different spas or dining hall, there is always fresh fruit and vegetables along with an assortment of fresh teas and juices. Diane took some great pictures today which hopefully I will get a chance to upload onto the blog so that you can see what I am talking about. Well, I am going to head on back to my room and call it a night. I have the pilgrim hike tomorrow at 6am and I want to make sure that I am nice and rested. I don't want to be slipping down the mountain. Till tomorrow.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


So after a beautiful and adventurous drive down the coast, Diane and I arrived at Rancho La Puerta. All I can say is beautiful and so zen! It is hard to put it into words. Dinner was amazing. I had fresh Tallapia with rustic grilled mashed potatoes and fresh grilled vegetables. I started off with a fresh soup and a mixed green salad, finished off with fresh banana coconut sorbet with apricot compote for dessert. So fresh and just pure bliss. I am doing a 6am hike through the mountains tomorrow then some great classes throughout the day. I am sure I will also find time to lounge by the pool and enjoy a relaxing men's facial thanks to the Taylor's. I checked in and a gift card was waiting for me for my birthday. I am blessed with amazing friends. I am sharing this vacation with another amazing friend, Diane! We will have some relaxing fun on this trip I am sure. Well, I am off to bed. I want to be well rested for my hike! Till tomorrow.

Friday, June 17, 2011


So I arrived in LA today on my 31st birthday. Now you might not think flying on your birthday would be fun, but I found it relaxing. I was in my seat on the plane by 6:30am, which was on 3/4 full, and by take off I was asleep. I awoke half way through the trip to enjoy a complimentary coffee and snacks while I watched the inflight TV. By 10:20am LA time we had landed and my relaxing birthday continued. I enjoyed an amazing lunch with Diane, Marcus and their buddy Abby,while we laughed and caught up. We even looked at pictures from my awesome 80s prom party that I threw last year for my 30th. Afterwards, Diane's friend Cote came over and the four of us enjoyed a hike through Freemen's Canyon before having a nice BBQ dinner complete with steak and grilled veggies. It was the perfect relaxing birthday! Now I am off to bed. I am exhausted. Tomorrow Diane and I drive down to the Ranch for our meditation/spa week. I can't wait! Till tomorrow.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


So this entry will be quick and simple. Had a great day at work wrapping up season 2 of THe Big C and then went to the cast and crew screening of Mr. Popper's Penguins. Cut movie and the extras looked great. Now I am finishing up packing for my trip and calling it a night. My car service is picking me up at 4:30am. I am already tired just thinking of getting up at 4am. Well, off to bed! Till tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


So I booked the last extra today for Season 2 of The Big C. You know what that means. Only 2 more days till I board a plane to LA and begin my relaxing vacation. I feel like a kid at Christmas anxiously awaiting morning so that I can open all my gifts. Well, as excited as I am, I still had to work out this morning with JC. Today we worked on legs, biceps and abs. Holy crap I am sore. I was going to attempt to go to the gym tomorrow morning to do cardio, but my legs are so sore that I am not sure that I could run on the treadmill. Hell, I am not sure I could even walk on the treadmill. So instead I will get up and do some abs in my living room before heading off to the office tomorrow morning. I also have the cast and crew screen of Mr. Popper's Penguins tomorrow night. I will be excited to see if I get a credit in the film. You never know with films whether or not you will get a credit in the crawl. Fingers crossed.
I am almost all packed for Rancho La Puerta. Doing laundry tonight so that I can finish packing so that when I get home from the screening tomorrow night I can just hop into bed and count sheep. Well, back to packing. Till tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Only three days left until I depart for my meditation/spa vacation at Rancho La Puerta. It's hard to believe that after all the waiting and anticipation that this vacation is finally here. No call times to worry about. No bear club to cast. Just me and my mind. There are so many different hikes and classes, not to mention spa treatments. Diane and I are going to be in paradise. Thinking about it now, I haven't had a real vacation since my time off for Christmas, and even that wasn't a real vacation. I mean I was bombarded with snow storm after snow storm and as much as I love Jersey City New Jersey, it really isn't a vacation spot. There is a 6:30am hike every morning, yoga and pilates classes and even courses on healthier cooking at the ranch. The best part about this trip is that it will give me a chance to really clear my head and think. I have seen a change in my attitude and energy level since starting this challenge in January and it has made me realize that there are a lot of things that I still want to do and achieve. I know I spoke about this before, but there have been so many things that I wanted to do with my life that I have put on the back burner, but not anymore. I think that when I return from this trip, I am going to take life by the horns and go after what I want. No more sitting around waiting for my destiny. Destiny is here in front of me and now it is my turn to make something out of it. Perfect example is Rebecca Black. That girl might have sung the most horrendous song (Friday), yet everyone of us is tuning in on YouTube to listen to it and laugh. But we are still listening to it. People are downloading it and making their own renditions of it. Hell, Glee immortalized it on their prom episode and most recently she appeared in a Katy Perry music video. My point is that she went after what she wanted, and no matter what anyone says, she is making the most of it. So good for you Rebecca Black. I tip my hat to you and realize that this is my chance. My gift to myself on my 31st birthday will be the courage to take a leap of faith, not looking below, but only forward, because now is the time to grab destiny by the balls. Because if not, I only have myself to blame. Well enough blogging. I need to go back to packing for the trip. Till tomorrow.

Monday, June 13, 2011


So today was a crazy day. I hit the gym in the morning hoping that someone would have found my wallet and turned it in. Well, that was not the case. So I hit the workout with JC and worked on arms and shoulders. JC could see that I was frustrated with having my wallet stolen and he told me to channel that anger into my workout, which I did. So after working out with JC, I headed over to the bank to change my account numbers and get a new debit card. Having my wallet stolen made me realize just how much I live off my credit and debit cards. I hardly ever have cash, which was why I needed to get my debit card reissued this morning. Well, after all that fun, I made my way into the office to deal with casting extras. I wish I could tell you something exciting happened, but nothing did. On a happier note, I can't wait for my trip to the meditation spa/retreat. Hard to believe that I leave in 4 days. Well, I am off to bed. Between the stress of having my wallet stolen, running around trying to get my credit and debit cards, not to mention a hard workout with JC, I am exhausted. Till tomorrow.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


All good things must come to an end, however my lazy weekend ended on a sour note. The day started off great. I woke up around 9am, made a nice breakfast and watched Avatar. I loved the film. Visually it was stunning and the story was great. I actually sat down for the entire film, something that I normally don't do. I usually get up and do other things while watching a movie. Well, after Avatar was over, I cleaned up the kitchen, took some chicken out for dinner and then put out my call times for "The Big C". It is hard to believe we are almost done filming for season 2. Another great season of story telling on Showtime. I can't wait for the new season to premiere on June 27th at 10:30pm on Showtime. Hmm, I just sounded like a commercial. Well, anyway, I decided that I was done being lazy and it was time to hit the gym. I wanted to do some cardio, so I put on a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt, grabbed my wallet, ipod and keys and headed to the gym. I ran on the treadmill for an hour and then decided I wanted to do 30 minutes on the elliptical. After I was finished and covered in sweat, I decided it was time to head home to continue my lazy weekend and make myself a nice meal and some lunches for the week. I got halfway down the block when I realized that I didn't have my wallet. Holy crap, I must have left it on the treadmill. I never ran faster in my life back to that gym. Alas, when I went up there, my wallet was no where to be seen. I looked everywhere! Underneath and beside all the equipment, and retraced my tracks all over the gym. I gave my number to the front desk in hopes that someone would turn in it and then the guy that was cleaning the gym also said that he would keep an eye out for it. Well I ran back home to cancel all my credit cards and my debit card. I even spent about two hours retracing my steps to the gym in case it had fallen out on the way to the gym. Highly doubtful, but at this point I was willing to do anything. I then realized that along with my debit and credit cards, I had my licence, insurance cards, metro cards for the subway and then PATH train as well as my transit card that my company pays for that had a decent amount of credit on it. By this point I was a mess, ready to breakdown and cry. This was so out of character for me. When I got home, I made dinner and sat on the couch and watched some television. All I could think about was my lost wallet and how I hoped that it would turn up at the gym. This was not the way that I thought my lazy weekend would end. I had planned to get some stuff done for the trip, prep some lunches for the week and catch up on some TV. Instead I stared into space eating my dinner thinking of who was trying to charge one of my credit cards. Well, I need to go to bed. I have a busy day of trying to deal with the stolen wallet. Fingers crossed that everything turns out OK. Till tomorrow.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Every once in awhile we all need a day to relax, recharge and just be lazy. For me, that day, or weekend for that matter, was this weekend. I made sure not to set my alarm and before going to bed I made sure that all of the shades were closed so that I would wake up when my body was ready to wake up. Well, my body decided that it was not ready to wake up until ll am. The funny thing is, that when I rolled over and looked at the clock, I kind of freaked out that it was 11am. I mean, I had almost wasted half the day. But then I realized that the only plans I had today were to lounge on the couch and watch movies. So I got up, started a half a pot of coffee, showered and then proceed to start my lazy movie watching weekend. I even had a fresh direct order delivered so that I could have a nice lunch and an even tastier dinner. I started off my movie weekend with "Get Him to the Greek." Now, I love a good laugh out loud movie just like any other person, but I felt like this movie lacked consistency and it really didn't seem to flow. It did have some funny moments, but nothing memorable. While I was watching the movie, I also made some homemade vanilla ice cream. Now I know what you are probably thinking. Dave, how is that healthy for you. Well, I used all fresh organic ingredients and no preservatives which is what normal store bought ice cream is full of. So, in moderation, it is great and in my opinion tastes so much better than the usual store bought ice cream.
The next film in my lazy movie weekend was the animated film "9." I love animated films and one that is action packed and kind of a thriller can move right to the top of my Netflix any day. I was definitely impressed with not only the story but also the look and feel. It got my stamp of approval. Now while watching "9", I decided to brine some nice pork chops for dinner. I used 2 cups of water with some sea salt, crushed red pepper flakes, agave and rosemary and brought it to a boil on the stove. I then let it cool completely and then let my pork chops brine for an hour. Brining is a way to permeate the meat with other flavors while also ensuring that your meat will stay moist as it cooks. I decided for dinner that I would do an herb crusted pork chop with some roasted Brussels sprouts and a nice kale salad. I love kale and this salad is simple and tastes great.

Marinated Kale Salad
1 Bunch of Curly Kale
3 - 4 Portabella Mushroom Caps (I am allergic to mushrooms, so I left them out)
1 Cup of Onions (feel free to mix red and white onions for texture and taste)
1 Red Bell Pepper
2 Avocados
3/4 Cup Tamari Sauce
1/3 Cup Fresh Lemon Juice
1/3 cup Olive Oil

Wash the kale and shred it up however you like. Dice up the mushrooms, bell pepper, avocados, and onions and toss into the kale. If you can, shred the onions with a cheese grater so they are smaller and stick to the kale easier, but diced is fine too. In a separate bowl mix the tamari, lemon juice and olive oil and then pour over the veggie mix. Toss the salad around. The goal is to get the kale in contact with as much sauce as possible. The lemon is what tenderizes the kale. This salad can be served in as little as four hours, stirring the kale around two times. However, overnight is best so that the kale is super tender.

The best part of making a nice big dinner is that there are left overs. Yummy! Well, I am off to watch Shutter Island. I have yet to see this film, even though I know how it ends. I remember reading the script back when we were prepping the film. We actually opened a satellite office out in Boston so that we could cast the extras for the film. Well, I need to get back to my lazy film weekend. Till tomorrow.

Friday, June 10, 2011


So I was so tired that as soon as I got home I passed out. I literally just woke up and jumped out of bed because I realized that I forgot to blog. Well, this morning was strength and weight training at the gym with JC. Everyday I am amazed out how much stronger I am getting. Now I just need to tone up the core and flatten that stomach of mine. I have my fresh direct order coming tomorrow so I am excited to have some fresh produce and fruits and groceries. Looking forward to making a nice dinner tomorrow night. Who am I kidding, I am excited to just be lazy all weekend. Of course I will be preparing for my trip and also hit the gym but other than that, I will be lounging around the house watching some movies. Well, I am going back to bed. Till tomorrow.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


So today was just a normal day at the office. However, I did over sleep this morning and was rushing out of the door so that I wasn’t late for work. I set my alarm for 6:45am so that I could get up and do some cardio at the gym. However, my body had other plans. The next thing I knew I was rolling over and looking at my clock that said 8:45am. Well I quickly jumped out of bed, showered and nearly slipped on the floor, dressed and was out the door. I was so frantic that I didn’t realize that I hadn’t put my shoes on till I got to the elevator. Fun! Well, I guess my body was tired. Other than that, nothing exciting to report. I am actually blogging off my office computer since I am still at the office working on “The Big C.” Only 6 shooting days left till we wrap Season 2 and then I am on a plane to LA and then off to Rancho La Puerta. Well, I need to get back to casting. I want to get out of here so I can get home and place a fresh direct order and then off to bed. I am meeting with JC in the morning so I need my beauty sleep. I am sure he will put me through his boot camp tomorrow and I will be limping to work! Till tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


So I don't know about you, but I am looking forward to the weekend. I have so much to do to get ready for my trip next week but at the same time I am looking forward to being able to unwind and relax a bit. Between packing, laundry and errands, I will have a full weekend. It looks like it will be the perfect weekend too since it is supposed to be a miserable couple of days. Humid and rainy. I might even be able to catch up on some of my Netflix. 9 days and counting till my vacation everyone! Well, I am off to bed. I had a busy day that started out with an early morning training session with JC. Till tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


So I am once again blogging off my office computer. Don’t freak out. It’s not because my MAC crashed; it is because it is a long night at the office. Just when I thought that I would actually be getting out on time and having a social life, they throw a wrench in my plans. It is all good though. I am leaving for vacation in 10 days and starting an amazing retreat at Rancho La Puerta. I can already see myself hiking in the mountains in the early morning watching the sunrise crest the mountains. Having a blissful massage followed by an educational class on the excellence of organic eating. So that is the light at the end of the tunnel for me. That is what is getting me through this late night casting session at the office. I would like to say that today was full of exercise but alas it was spent going meeting to meeting in Stamford CT, followed by calling out to extras. For anyone that is at all interested in seeing what I do for a living, check out the HBO series extras on DVD. It is a hilarious series that breaks the doors wide open to the world of extras. I really wish that some producer or writer would be so interested and inclined to do a series about extras casting directors. Now, that is a series waiting to be written and by that I mean I have already written it and mapped out an entire first season. I am just missing the most important part; a producer. Well, maybe that is my next challenge after this. What do you think?
Well, back to work. I have more prep to do for the season finale of The Big C. I can already hear my phone ringing. Till tomorrow.

Monday, June 6, 2011


So today marks the first blog with my MAC since having a new logic board installed. I am so excited to not have to blog off my iphone. This morning was a kick ass session with JC. We worked the back and the arms, focusing on reducing the weight assistance while increasing strength. It is quite impressive to look back and see where I have gone with this challenge. Six months ago I would never have believed that I could bench press 135lbs, let alone do 10 pull ups. Now, to some of you that might not sound impressive, but knowing where I have come from, it is impressive to me. After my session I showered, dressed and headed into the office. I am wrapping up season two of The Big C and getting ready to go on hiatus. So, work is not that crazy which means that I can actually make plans with friends. Tonight I had dinner at Jessica and Pablo's house along with the Taylor's to watch the Canucks play for the third game for the Stanley Cup. Now dinner was amazing! Healthy and and filling but at the same time it was a nice light filling feeling where I left dinner feeling satisfied but not stuffed. We ended with a nice berry crisp while watching the Canucks get their asses served to them on a silver platter. Thank god that there are still two more games. Well, I am off to bed. I am just realizing that I need to reinstall a lot of programs on my MAC since having a new logic board. Looks like I will be adding that to the list of things that I need to accomplish this weekend. Till tomorrow.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


So today marked my final session with my food coach, Jessica. It's hard to believe that it has been six months since I started this challenge to find the healthier fitter me. But 35 lbs later, and a healthier lifestyle, here I am. I owe a lot of that to Jessica and to JC. With their support and guidance I have been able to achieve these goals. After my session with Jessica, I headed home to meet the Taylor's for a nice stroll through Liberty Park and the near water front to enjoy the beautiful weather. Nothing like a nice walk to enjoy this nice summer day. So this weekend I not only went on a long intense hike, I also went for a nice walk in the park. Sometimes enjoying the nice weather is better then working out in the dark gym. The night ended with some amazing BBQ, good friends and a nice homemade dessert. The perfect ending to a great weekend. Well, time to get ready for another busy work week. I miss having a three day weekend. It makes the week go by so much quicker. Oh, and tomorrow I get to pick up my MAC from the apple store! YAY. No more blogging off my iPhone. Till tomorrow.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


So this morning I was up at 7am and out the door by 8:30am with the Taylor's for a road trip to the Delaware Water Gap. We were off to hike the Rattle Snake Swamp trail. The views were spectacular and the hike itself was invigorating. We completed the 6 mile hike inlittle over 2 and a half hours. Afterwards we headed home to enjoy the rest of the beautiful weather. I ended the night with friends at the beer garden watching some hockey. Go Canucks! Well, I am off to bed. Till tomorrow.

Friday, June 3, 2011

DAY 152 OF 365: TGIF

So tonight's blog is going to be short, sweet and to the point. I am exhausted. I had a total body workout this morning with JC and then a long day at the office. I am so looking forward to just passing out in my bed for a nice peaceful sleep. Tomorrow will be a nice early morning hike with the Taylor's. Should be the perfect day for a hike. Well, I am off to bed. Till tomorrow.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


So I got a call from the apple store this evening that my MAC is ready to be picked up. So excited that I won't have to blog off my iPhone or office computer for much longer. I am working out with JC tomorrow morning but I am hoping to pick it up afterwards if not over the weekend. Nothing exciting to fill you in on today. It was just a normal day at the office. We did however have ice cream cake this afternoon to celebrate some co workers birthdays. I did have a piece, though it was a small one. Was a nice treat after a busy day. Well, off to bed. Meeting JC in the morning for a training session. Till tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


So this morning began with an intense workout with JC. I struggled for a second getting out of bed when the alarm went off at 6:30am. Did you ever have one of those mornings when you just wanted to rip the alarm clock out of the wall, throw it out the window and go back to bed? Well, that is the feeling I had this morning. But, I forced myself out of bed, made some toast and eggs to eat and then headed out the door. Today’s workout focused on arms, shoulders and back. JC said he was impressed with the increase in my stamina as well as how much I am progressing. It’s a great feeling to hear a compliment from JC since he has seen me at my worst! Well an hour later and a whole lot of sweat, I headed back to the locker-room, showered, and dressed and was off to the office. It was just another day of casting extras for The Big C. Hard to believe that we are wrapping production on season 2 in just under 2 weeks. And we all know what is happening after that. A nice, well deserved vacation at Rancho La Puerta, where I plan on taking advantage of everything that they offer. I will be getting up every morning to go on their early morning hikes, Pilates and yoga classes, cooking classes and work out lessons. I plan on coming back fitter and healthier then when I arrived there. I also need to place a fresh direct order tomorrow at some point. I purchased this amazing juicing book called “juiced” and I can’t wait to try out some of these new juices. They have every type of juice you can think of, and even a few green juices that sound amazing. So, I know what I will be doing this weekend. I also need to do some research for my next cooking competition. It is a 2 part competition. The first part is I need to make something, whether a main dish, appetizer or dessert, that includes corn flakes, lemons or limes, and any herb that begins with the letter S. They don’t need to be the main ingredient, but they do need to be a part of the dish. The second part of the challenge is to create a drink. It can stand alone or it can go hand in hand with the food that you cooked. I need to come back strong with this competition since I failed miserably at the pizza making competition. Let it be known that pizza making is not easy! Well, time for me to head home. Yep, it was another day of typing my blog at the office. Oh how I miss my MAC. Till tomorrow.