Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Happy Wednesday everyone. I am one sore guy! When my alarm went off this morning at 6:45am, it was a total shock for my body. I am pretty sure that if my body could talk it would have hit the snooze button, said F you and then went back to bed. It was not ready to say goodbye to the holiday vacation and say hello to reality. But, I forced myself to get out of bed and head on down to meet JC at the gym. Well, there was no catching up for me and JC. We just hit the ground running. JC has restructured my workout in order to slim down my mid section and tone up the muscle. I love how in the beginning, the weight was just flying off but now it is harder to shed the weight and tone up the muscle. There was actually a point while doing my weighted lunges that I almost fell over from exhaustion. But it was JC screaming in my ear to picture that body and finish strong. Now I realize that there are only 5 days left of this challenge, and quite frankly I am nowhere near where I want or thought I would be but guess what? The challenge may end in 5 days but thank god that this is a lifestyle change that will continue way after the challenge has ended. Oh, and that photo will now be revealed on March 31st. So with that I say goodnight. Tomorrow I need to pack up all the Christmas decorations and get my house back in order. Oh and I am sure there will be some juicing and gym time also. Oh and lets not forget a movie or two. I mean, I am still on vacation aren't I? Till tomorrow.

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